Research Outputs

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Sequence slider: integration of structural and genetic data to characterize isoforms from natural sources [2022]

Borges, Rafael J; Salvador, Guilherme H M; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Santos, Lucilene D dos; Fontes, Marcos R M; Usón, Isabel
Nucleic Acids Res 2022 Feb; 50(9):e50

The ribosome assembly factor Nop53 has a structural role in the formation of nuclear pre-60S intermediates, affecting late maturation events [2021]

Bagatelli, Felipe F M; Vitorino, Francisca Nathália de Luna ; Da Cunha, Julia Pinheiro Chagas ; Oliveira, Carla C
Nucleic Acids Res 2021 June;49(12):7053–7074