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Wnt signaling is involved in crotalphine-induced analgesia in a rat model of neuropathic pain [2023]

Hösch, Natália Gabriele ; Martins, Barbara Behr ; Alcantara, Queren Apuque ; Búfalo, Michelle Cristiane ; Neto, Beatriz Stein ; Chudzinki Tavassi, Ana Marisa ; Santa-Cecília, Flávia Viana ; Cury, Yara ; Zambelli, Vanessa Olzon
Eur J Pharmacol 2023 Sep; 959:176058

Variations in tetrodotoxin levels in populations of Taricha granulosa are expressed in the morphology of their cutaneous glands [2019]

Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Jared, Carlos ; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria ; Sciani, Juliana Mozer; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Stokes, Amber N.; Grant, Taran; Brodie III, Edmund D.; Brodie Jr, Edmund D.
Sci rep 2019 Dec;9:18490

Toads prey upon scorpions and are resistant to their venom: a biological and ecological approach to scorpionism: a biological and ecological approach to scorpionism [2020]

Jared, Carlos ; Alexandre, César ; Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Brodie Jr, Edmund D.; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria
Toxicon 2020 Feb;178:4-7

Skin gland concentrations adapted to different evolutionary pressures in the head and posterior regions of the caecilian Siphonops annulatus [2018]

Jared, Carlos ; Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Marques-Porto, Rafael ; Sciani, Juliana Mozer ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Brodie, Edmund D., Jr.; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria
Sci Rep-UK 2018 Feb;8:3576

Morphology of the cutaneous poison and mucous glands in amphibians with particular emphasis on caecilians (Siphonops annulatus) [2021]

Maurício, Beatriz ; Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Sato, Luciana Almeida; Barbosa, Flávia Ferreira ; Astray, Renato Mancini ; Kupfer, Alexander; Brodie, Jr., Edmund D.; Jared, Carlos ; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria
Toxins 2021 Nov;13(11):779

Morphological evidence for an oral venom system in caecilian amphibians [2020]

Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria ; Alexandre, César ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Sciani, Juliana Mozer; Brodie Jr, Edmund D.; Jared, Carlos
iScience 2020 Jul;23(7):101234

Milk provisioning in oviparous caecilian amphibians [2024]

Mailho-Fontana, Pedro Luiz ; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria ; Coelho, Guilherme Rabelo ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Fernandes, Ligia P.; Kupfer, Alexander; Jr, Edmund D. Brodie; Jared, Carlos
Science 2024 Mar; 383(6687):1092-1095

E. coli Common pili promote the fitness and virulence of a hybrid aEPEC/ExPEC strain within diverse host environments [2023]

Munhoz, Danielle Dias ; Richards, Amanda C.; Santos, Fernanda F.; Mulvey, Matthew A.; Piazza, Roxane Maria Fontes
Gut Microbes 2023 Mar; 15(1):2190308