Research Outputs

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Bothrops moojeni venom and its components strongly affect Osteoclasts’ maturation and protein patterns [2021]

D’Amélio, Fernanda ; Vigerelli, Hugo ; Prieto da Silva, Álvaro Rossan de Brandão ; Frare, Eduardo Osório ; Batista, Isabel de Fátima Correia ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Kerkis, Irina
Toxins 2021 June;13(7):459

Murine osteoclastogenesis suppression using conditioned media produced by melanoma or activated and non-activated jurkat-E6 cells [2020]

Mambelli, Nicole Caroline ; Frare, Eduardo Osório ; Costa-Neves, Adriana ; Prieto da Silva, Álvaro Rossan de Brandão ; Kerkis, Irina
Cell Biol Int 2020 Feb

Synthetic polypeptide crotamine: characterization as a myotoxin and as a target of combinatorial peptides [2022]

Pompeia, Celine; Frare, Eduardo Osório ; Peigneur, Steve; Tytgat, Jan; Prieto da Silva, Álvaro Rossan de Brandão ; Oliveira, Eduardo Brandt de; Pereira, Alexandre; Kerkis, Irina ; Kolonin, Mikhail G.
J Mol Med 2021 Jan; 100:65–76