Research Outputs

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Results 1-4 of 4

p53 gene delivery via a recombinant Salmonella enterica Typhimurium leads to human bladder carcinoma cell death in vitro [2022]

Jorge, Genesy Pérez; Módolo, Diego Grando ; Jaimes-Florez, Yessica Paola; Fávaro, Wagner José; Jesus, Marcelo Bispo De; Brocchi, Marcelo
Lett Appl Microbiol 2022 Oct; 75(4):1010-1020

Role of aspirin-triggered lipoxin A4, aspirin, and salicylic acid in the modulation of the oxidative and inflammatory responses induced by plasma from women with pre-eclampsia [2020]

Gil-Villa, Aura María; Gómez, Angela María Alvarez ; Velásquez-Berrío, Manuela; Rojas-López, Mauricio; Cadavid J, Angela P.
Am J Reprod Immunol 2020 Feb;83:e13207

Sarconesin II, a new antimicrobial peptide isolated from Sarconesiopsis magellanica excretions and secretions [2019]

Díaz-Roa, Andrea ; Espinoza-Culupú, Abraham ; Torres-García, Orlando; Borges, Monamaris Marques ; Avino, Ivan Novaski ; Alves, Flávio L.; Miranda, Antonio; Patarroyo, Manuel A.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da ; Bello, Felio J.
Molecules 2019 May;24:2077

Sarconesin: sarconesiopsis magellanica blowfly larval excretions and secretions with antibacterial properties [2018]

Díaz-Roa, Andrea ; Patarroyo, Manuel A.; Bello, Felio J.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da
Front Microbiol 2018;9:2249