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Strategy for a globally coordinated response to a priority neglected tropical disease: snakebite envenoming [2019]

Williams, David J.; Faiz, Mohd Abul; Abela-Ridder, Bernadette; Ainsworth, Stuart; Bulfone, Tommaso C.; Nickerson, Andrea D.; Habib, Abdulrazaq G.; Junghanss, Thomas; Fan, Hui Wen ; Turner, Michael; Harrison, Robert A.; Warrell, David A.
Plos Neglect Trop Dis 2019 Feb;13(2):e0007059

Serum levels of anti-PspA and anti-PspC IgG decrease with age and do not correlate with susceptibility to experimental human pneumococcal colonization [2021]

Araujo, Adriano Palharini de; Colichio, Gabriela Borges Cherulli ; Oliveira, Maria Leonor Sarno de ; German, Esther; Nikolaou, Elissavet; Chen, Tao; Adler, Hugh; Ferreira, Daniela M.; Miyaji, Eliane Namie
PloS One 2021 Fev;16(2)e0246540

Progress in mucosal immunization for protection against pneumococcal pneumonia [2019]

Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni ; Kaneko, Kan; Solórzano, Carla; MacLoughlin, Ronan; Saleem, Imran; Miyaji, Eliane Namie
Expert Rev Vaccines 2019 Jul;18(8):781-792

Nasal pneumococcal density is associated with microaspiration and heightened human alveolar macrophage responsiveness to bacterial pathogens [2020]

Mitsi, Elena; Carniel, Beatriz; Reiné, Jesús; Rylance, Jamie; Zaidi, Seher; Schanoski, Alessandra Soares ; Connor, Victoria; Collins, Andrea M.; Schlitzer, Andreas; Nikolaou, Elissavet; Solórzano, Carla; Pojar, Sherin; Hill, Helen; Hyder-Wright, Angela D.; Jambo, Kondwani C.; Oggioni, Marco R.; Croix, Megan De Ste; Gordon, Stephen B.; Jochems, Simon P.; Ferreira, Daniela M.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020 Feb;201(3)

Mucosal immunization with PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A)-adsorbed nanoparticles targeting the lungs for protection against pneumococcal infection [2018]

Rodrigues, Tasson Costa ; Oliveira, Maria Leonor Sarno de ; Schanoski, Alessandra Soares ; Rico, Stefanni Liliane Chavez ; Figueiredo, Douglas Borges ; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni ; Ferreira, Daniela M.; Kunda, Nitesh K.; Saleem, Imran Y.; Miyaji, Eliane Namie
PLoS One 2018 Jan;13(1):e0191692

Innate and adaptive nasal mucosal immune responses following experimental human pneumococcal colonization [2019]

Jochems, Simon P.; Ruiter, Karin de; Solórzano, Carla; Voskamp, Astrid; Mitsi, Elena; Nikolaou, Elissavet; Carniel, Beatriz F.; Pojar, Sherin; German, Esther L.; Reiné, Jesús; Schanoski, Alessandra Soares ; Hill, Helen; Robinson, Rachel; Hyder-Wright, Angela D.; Weight, Caroline M.; Durrenberger, Pascal F.; Heyderman, Robert S.; Gordon, Stephen B.; Smits, Hermelijn H.; Urban, Britta C.; Rylance, Jamie; Collins, Andrea M.; Wilkie, Mark D.; Lazarova, Lepa; Leong, Samuel C.; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Ferreira, Daniela M.
J clin invest 2019 Jul;129(10):4523-4538

Experimental human challenge defines distinct pneumococcal kinetic profiles and mucosal responses between colonized and non-colonized adults [2021]

Nikolaou, Elissavet; Jochems, Simon P.; Mitsi, Elena; Schanoski, Alessandra Soares
mBio 2021 Jan;12(1):e02020-20

Evaluation of polymer choice on immunogenicity of chitosan coated PLGA NPs with surface-adsorbed pneumococcal protein antigen PspA4Pro [2021]

Kaneko, Kan; Miyaji, Eliane Namie ; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni ; Ferreira, Daniela M.; Solórzano, Carla; MacLoughlin, Ronan; Saleem, Imran
Int J Pharm 2021 Apr;599:120407