Lab. Parasitologia
Research Outputs
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Results 61-80 of 94
Ortholog of the polymerase theta helicase domain modulates DNA replication in Trypanosoma cruzi [2019]
Lima, Loyze Paola Oliveira de

Sci Rep 2019 Feb;9:2888
Otimização do método extrativo por maceração para obtenção de fitoquímicos de Ochtodes secundiramea (Rhodophyta) [2023]
Mateus, Carlos Henrique Fraia

Academic monograph
Padronização de testes com compostos naturais utilizando Caenorhabditis elegans como modelo [2023]
Iglesias, Veronica Oliveira

Academic monograph
Patagonin-CRISP: antimicrobial activity and source of antimicrobial molecules in duvernoy's gland secretion (Philodryas patagoniensis Snake) [2021]
Badari, Juliana Cuoco

Front Pharmacol 2021 Fev;11:586705
Pep5, a fragment of Cyclin D2, shows antiparasitic effects in different stages of the Trypanosoma cruzi life cycle and blocks parasite infectivity [2019]
de Araujo, Christiane Bezerra

Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 May;63(5):e01806-18
Pharmacological inhibition of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) induces global transcriptional deregulation and ultrastructural alterations that impair viability in Schistosoma mansoni [2020]
Carneiro, Vitor Coutinho; Silva, Isabel Caetano de Abreu da; Amaral, Murilo Sena

Plos Negl Trop Dis 2020 Jul;14(7):e0008332
Phenotypic heterogeneity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 8 and modifying mechanisms of neurodegeneration [2021]
Oliveira, Danyllo; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio
Neural Regen Res 2021 Fev;16(9):1776-1778
Phylogeny and temporal diversification of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) with an emphasis on the Neotropical fauna [2021]
Lorenz, Camila; Alves, João M.P.; Foster, Peter G.; Suesdek, Lincoln
Syst Entomol 2021 Oct;46(4):798-811
Polymorphism in male genitalia of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis Rondani, 1848 [2018]
Petersen, Vivian Aparecida Ramos

Bull Entomol Res 2018 Feb;108(1):1-4
Polyunsaturated fatty acids from Phyllocaulis boraceiensis mucus block the replication of influenza virus [2018]
Toledo Piza, Ana Rita

Arch Microbiol 2018 Aug;200(6):961-70
Potential risks of Zika and chikungunya outbreaks in Brazil: a modeling study [2018]
Aguiar, Breno S.; Lorenz, Camila

Int J Infect Dis 2018 May;70:20-9
Práticas de biossegurança em biotério de mosquitos [2024]
Araujo, Tatiana Ometto de

Academic monograph
Proteins with anti-apoptotic action in the hemolymph of caterpillars of the Megalopygidae family acts by maintaining the structure of the cellular cytoskeleton [2024]
Carvalho, Nathalia Delazeri de

Mol Biotechnol 2024; in press
PVT1 signals an androgen-dependent transcriptional repression program in prostate cancer cells and a set of the repressed genes predicts high-risk tumors [2021]
Videira, Alexandre

Cell Commun Signal 2021 Jan;19:5
Rhesus macaques self-curing from a schistosome infection can display complete immunity to challenge [2021]
Amaral, Murilo Sena

Nat Commun 2021 Oct;12:6181
Rondonin: antimicrobial properties and mechanism of action [2021]
Riciluca, Katie C. T.; Oliveira, Ursula Castro; Mendonça, Ronaldo Zucatelli

FEBS Open Bio 2021 Sept;11(9):2541-2559
Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidates identified by unbiased phage display screening in self-cured rhesus macaques [2024]
Woellner-Santos, Daisy; Tahira, Ana Carolina

NPJ Vaccines 2024 Jan; 9:5
Schistosoma mansoni venom allergen-like protein 18 (SmVAL18) is a plasminogen-binding protein secreted during the early stages of mammalian-host infection [2018]
Fernandes, Rafaela Sachetto

Mol Biochem Parasitol 2018 Apr;221:23-31
Sensitivity assessment of Biomphalaria glabrata (SAY, 1818) using reference substance sodium dodecyl sulfate for ecotoxicological analyzes [2024]
Tallarico, Lenita de Freitas

Ecotoxicology 2024; in press
Sex differences in gene regulatory networks during mid-gestational brain development [2022]
Toledo, Victor Hugo Calegari de; Feltrin, Arthur Sant'Anna; Barbosa, André Rocha; Tahira, Ana Carolina
Front Hum Neurosci 2022 Aug; 16:955607