Ivan Novaski Avino
Research Outputs
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Results 1-2 of 2
Encrypted antimicrobial peptides from proteins present in the plasma of the millipede Rhinocricus sp. [2021]
Segura Ramirez, Paula Jimena ; Godoy, Pedro Machado de ; Avino, Ivan Novaski ; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael daJ Proteomics 2021 apr;242:104239
Sarconesin II, a new antimicrobial peptide isolated from Sarconesiopsis magellanica excretions and secretions [2019]
Díaz-Roa, Andrea ; Espinoza-Culupú, Abraham ; Torres-García, Orlando; Borges, Monamaris Marques ; Avino, Ivan Novaski ; Alves, Flávio L.; Miranda, Antonio; Patarroyo, Manuel A.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da ; Bello, Felio J.Molecules 2019 May;24:2077