Felipe de Oliveira Cintra
Research Outputs
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Results 1-4 of 4
Instability and depolymerization of the exopolysaccharide produced by Haemophilus Influenzae type B during fermentation [2020]
Cintra, Felipe de Oliveira ; Takagi, MickieSL Vaccin Vaccinat J 2020 Jun; 3(1):117
Kinectic Models of Exopolysaccharide Production by Haemophilus Influenzae Type B [2020]
Cintra, Felipe de Oliveira ; Takagi, MickieSL Vaccin Vaccinat J 2020 Mar; 3(1):114
Selection of a mathematical model for the kinetics of Haemophilus influenza type b using Akaike's Information Criterion [2018]
Cintra, Felipe de Oliveira ; Takagi, MickieBraz J Chem Eng Out-Dec 2018;35(4):1305-1314
Selection of a mathematical model for the kinetics of Haemophilus influenzae type b using akaike's in information criterion [2018]
Cintra, Felipe de Oliveira ; Takagi, MickieBraz J Chem Eng 2018 Dec; v. 35, n. 4, p. 1305 - 1314