(CAPES) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Research Outputs
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Results 281-300 of 823
Evaluation of inactivated Bordetella pertussis as a delivery system for the immunization of mice with Pneumococcal Surface Antigen A [2020]
Castro, Júlia Tavares de

PloS One 2020 Jan;15(2):e0229050
Evaluation of NDEL1 oligopeptidase activity in blood and brain in an animal model of schizophrenia: effects of psychostimulants and antipsychotics [2020]
Nani, João V.; Lee, Richard S.; Yonamine, Camila M.; Sant'Anna, Osvaldo Augusto
Sci Rep 2020 Oct;10:18513
Evaluation of the anti-snakebite, antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of Philodendron megalophyllum Schott (Araceae), traditionally used in accidents caused by snakes in the western region of Pará, Brazil [2020]
Guimarães, Noranathan da Costa

Toxicon 2020 Sep;184:99-108
Evaluation of the inhibitory potential of Casuarictin, an Ellagitannin isolated from White Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) leaves, on snake venom secretory phospholipase A2 [2019]
Fabri, Caroline
Mar Drugs 2019 Jun;17(7):403
Evaluation of tumor growth remission in a murine model for subcutaneous solid tumors, benefits of associating the antitumor agent crotamine with mesoporous nanosilica particles to achieve improved dosing frequency and efficacy [2023]
Oyadomari, William Yoshio; Anthero, Gabriel Lessa; Silva, Marcos R. de A.; Porta, Lucas C.; Oliveira, Vitor; Reid, Paul F.; Sant'anna, Osvaldo Augusto
Int J Pharm 2023, Nov; 646:123420
Evaluation of tumor growth remission in a murine model for subcutaneous solid tumors, benefits of associating the antitumor agent crotamine with mesoporous nanosilica particles to achieve improved dosing frequency and efficacy [2023]
Oyadomari, William Yoshio; Anthero, Gabriel Lessa; Silva, Marcos R. de A.; Porta, Lucas C.; Oliveira, Vitor; Reid, Paul F.; Sant'anna, Osvaldo Augusto
Int J Pharm 2023 Nov; 646:123420
Evidence for a pro-inflammatory state of macrophages from non-obese type-2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats [2024]
Silveira, Amanda Santos de Almeida; Alves, Amara Cassandra dos Anjos; Gimenes, Gabriela Mandú; Pereira, Joice Naiara Bertaglia

Int J Mol Sci 2024 Sep; 25(19):10240
Evidence for monocyte reprogramming in a long-term postsepsis study [2022]
Gritte, Raquel Bragante; Souza-Siqueira, Talita; Borges da Silva, Eliane; Curi, Rui
Crit Care Explor 2022 Aug;4(8):e0734
Evidence for snake venom plasticity in a long-term study with individual captive Bothrops atrox [2019]
Amazonas, Diana Rêgo

Toxins 2019 May;11(5):294
Evidence of co-parasitism between different species of chiggers (Trombidiformes: Trombiculidae) parasitizing cricetid rodents in Morro Grande Forest reserve, São Paulo state, Brazil [2021]
Jacinavicius, Fernando de Castro

Entomol Commun 2021 Dec; 3:ec03043
Evidence of facultative parthenogenesis in three Neotropical pitviper species of the Bothrops atrox group [2020]
Cubides Cubillos, Sergio Daniel

PeerJ 2020 Nov;8:e10097
Examination of biochemical and biological activities of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae; Wied-Neuwied 1824) snake venom after up to 54 years of storage [2018]
Hatakeyama, Daniela Miki

Toxicon 2018 Jan;141:34-42
Expanding the biological application of fluorescent benzothiadiazole derivatives: a phenotypic screening strategy for anthelmintic drug discovery using caenorhabditis elegans [2019]
Cintra, Giovana Aparecida de Souza

SLAS Discov 2019 June;24(7):755-765
Experimental allergic airway inflammation impacts gut homeostasis in mice [2023]
Nascimento, Carolina Martins; Casaro, Mateus Campos; Perez, Evelyn Roxana; Ribeiro, Willian Rodrigues; Mayer, Marcia Pinto Alves; Ishikawa, Karin Hitomi; Franco, Adriana Lino dos Santos; Pereira, Joice Naiara Bertaglia
Heliyon 2023 Jun; 9(6):e16429
Experimental antivenom against serine proteases from the Bothrops jararaca venom obtained in mice, and its comparison with the antibothropic serum from the Butantan Institute [2019]
Kuniyoshi, Alexandre Kazuo

Toxicon 2019 Nov;169:59-67
Experimental evidences that P21 protein controls Trypanosoma cruzi replication and modulates the pathogenesis of infection [2019]
Teixeira, Thaise L.; Castilhos, Patrícia; Rodrigues, Cassiano C.; Silva, Aline A. da; Brígido, Rebecca TS.; Teixeira, Samuel C.; Borges, Bruna C.; Santos, Marlus A. Dos; Martins, Flávia A.; Santos, Paulo César F.; Servato, João Paulo S.; Silva, Marcelo Santos da

Microb pathog 2019 Oct;135:103618
Exploring the therapeutic potential of an antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory peptide from wasp venom [2023]
Priscilla Galante; Gabriel A. A. Campos; Jacqueline C. G. Moser; Rangel, Marisa
Sci Rep 2023 Aug; 13:12491
Exploring viral metagenomics in pediatric patients with acute respiratory infections: Unveiling pathogens beyond SARS-CoV-2 [2023]
Campos, Gabriel Montenegro de; La-Roque, Debora Glenda Lima de; Lima, Alex Ranieri Jerônimo

Microorganisms 2023 Nov; 11 (11):2744
Expression of an scFv antibody fragment in Nicotiana benthamiana and in vitro assessment of its neutralizing potential against the snake venom metalloproteinase BaP1 from Bothrops asper [2019]
Gomes, Marinna; Alvarez, Maria Alejandra; Quellis, Leonardo Ramos; Becher, Melina Laguia; Castro, Juciane Maria de Andrade; Gameiro, Jacy; Caporrino, Maria Cristina

Toxicon 2019 Mar;160:38-46
Extensive genomic reshuffling involved in the karyotype evolution of genus Cerradomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini) [2020]
Di-Nizo, Camilla Bruno

Genet Mol Biol 2020 Nov;43(4):e20200149