(INCT-INNT) Instituto Nacional de Neurociência Translacional
Research Outputs
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Results 1-2 of 2
Dementia is an age‐independent risk factor for severity and death in COVID‐19 inpatients [2021]
Tahira, Ana Carolina ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio ; Ferreira, Sergio T.Alzheimers Dement 2021 Nov;17:1818-1831
Hemopressin as a breakthrough for the cannabinoid field [2021]
Heimann, Andrea S.; Dale, Camila S.; Guimarães, Francisco S.; Reis, Ricardo A.M.; Navon, Ami; Shmuelov, Michal A.; Rioli, Vanessa ; Gomes, Ivone; Devi, Lakshmi L.; Ferro, Emer S.Neuropharmacology 2021 Feb;183:108406