Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves complement system proteins and contributes to Escherichia coli human serum resistance

Translated title
Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cliva proteínas do sistema complemento e contribui para a resistência de Escherichia coli ao soro humano

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Butantan affiliation
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Portuguese;  English
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Dataset description
C1q cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C1q in 24 hours. Degradation products of C1q were observed in 24 hours, but not in 5 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C3 and C3b cleavages by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C3 and C3b. Degradation products of these molecules were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C4 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C4. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C4b cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C4b. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C5 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C5. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C6 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C6. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C7 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C7. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C8 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C8 in 24 hours. Degradation products of C8 were observed in 24 hours, but not in 5 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C9 cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C9. Degradation products were observed in 5 and 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. C9 pore cleavage by Pet (.pdf): Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) inhibits C9 polymerization. Degradation products were observed in 24 hours by immunoblotting using specific antibodies. Furthermore, Pet inhibits C9 polymerization. HB101 and serum resistance in presence of Pet (.pdf): Escherichia coli HB101 serum resistance in presence of Pet. The results show that HB101 survives in pre-treated human sera with Pet and by heat, but not in non-treated serum after 30 minutes at list.
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FAPESP grants
Fapesp 2017/14821-7
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Files in This Item:

C3 and C3b cleavages by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C3 and C3b.
Size: 231.14 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C4 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C4
Size: 212.03 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C4b cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C4b
Size: 207.5 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C5 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C5
Size: 221.25 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C6 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C6
Size: 234.35 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C7 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C7
Size: 232.32 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C8 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C8
Size: 239.13 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C9 cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C9
Size: 237.65 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C1q cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) cleaves C1q
Size: 231.44 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
HB101 and serum resistance in presence of Pet.pdf
Description: Escherichia coli HB101 serum resistance in presence of Pet
Size: 306.02 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
C9 pore cleavage by Pet.pdf
Description: Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) inhibits C9 polymerization
Size: 406.24 kB
Format: Adobe PDF
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