Two cultures in favor of a dying patient: experiences of health care professionals providing snakebite care to indigenous peoples in the Brazilian amazon
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In the Brazilian Amazon, deaths and disabilities from snakebite envenomations (SBEs) are a major and neglected problem for the indigenous population. However, minimal research has been conducted on how indigenous peoples access and utilize the health system for snakebite treatment. A qualitative study was conducted to understand the experiences of health care professionals (HCPs) who provide biomedical care to indigenous peoples with SBEs in the Brazilian Amazon. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were carried out in the context of a three-day training session for HCPs who work for the Indigenous Health Care Subsystem. A total of 56 HCPs participated, 27 in Boa Vista and 29 in Manaus. Thematic analysis resulted in three key findings: Indigenous peoples are amenable to receiving antivenom but not to leaving their villages for hospitals; HCPs require antivenom and additional resources to improve patient care; and HCPs strongly recommend a joint, bicultural approach to SBE treatment. Decentralizing antivenom to local health units addresses the central barriers identified in this study (e.g., resistance to hospitals, transportation). The vast diversity of ethnicities in the Brazilian Amazon will be a challenge, and additional studies should be conducted regarding preparing HCPs to work in intercultural contexts.
FM, ES, ASF, Moura-da-Silva AM, Fan HW. Two cultures in favor of a dying patient: experiences of health care professionals providing snakebite care to indigenous peoples in the Brazilian amazon. Toxins. 2023 Mar; 15(3):194. doi:10.3390/toxins15030194.
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