A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus
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Yale School of Public Health ; Emweb bv ; Stellenbosch University ; Universidade do Estado da Bahia ; (UKZN) University of KwaZulu-Natal ; (ITpS) Instituto Todos pela Saúde ; (OUCRU) Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Vietnam ; Institut Pasteur de Dakar ; (SES-RS) Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul ; (FIOCRUZ) Fundação Oswaldo Cruz ; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru ; Indian Institute of Science ; National Environment Agency (Singapore) ; University of Campus Bio-Medico di Roma ; (CLIMADE) Climate Amplified Diseases and Epidemics ; Imperial College London ; The University of the West Indies ; New Mexico State University ; (USYD) University of Sydney
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AUDengue : Pleavirus seconfi (DENV) rmthataisllhecurrently adinglevecausing lsarerepres epidemics entedcorofrect unprecedente ly: d scope in endemic
settings and expanding to new geographical areas. It is therefore critical to track this virus
using genomic surveillance. However, the complex patterns of viral genomic diversity make
it challenging to use the existing genotype classification system. Here, we propose adding 2
sub-genotypic levels of virus classification, named major and minor lineages. These line ages have high thresholds for phylogenetic distance and clade size, rendering them stable
between phylogenetic studies. We present an assignment tool to show that the proposed lin eages are useful for regional, national, and subnational discussions of relevant DENV diver sity. Moreover, the proposed lineages are robust to classification using partial genome
sequences. We provide a standardized neutral descriptor of DENV diversity with which we
can identify and track lineages of potential epidemiological and/or clinical importance. Infor mation about our lineage system, including methods to assign lineages to sequence data
and propose new lineages, can be found at: dengue-lineages.org
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