Desafios na experimentação animal com camundongos: uma análise crítica
Butantan affiliation
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Academic monograph
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Open access
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Experimental research with animals is very important for humanity, as it contributes to
discovering new strategies for preventing and treating diseases, developing new
surgical techniques, medicines and foods, preceding the final tests that are carried out
on the human population. Animal experimentation is fundamental to the advancement
of scientific research, as it contributes directly to the development of science and
technology. Their contribution helps in the discovery of preventive measures and new
treatments for numerous diseases that affect living beings. Examples of scientific
contributions through animal studies include the development of vaccines and the
production of serums. To establish the protective capacity of serums against the lethal
effect of a toxin, potency tests were performed on Swiss mice. This methodology is
carried out in the Biological Quality Control routine to release batches of serum
produced by the Butantan Institute. The objective of this dissertation is to carry out a
critical analysis of the importance and challenges of the use of animals in research.
BEVILACQUA, Luciano Francisco. Desafios na experimentação animal com
camundongos: Uma análise crítica. 20024. 46 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
(Especialização em Biotério) – Escola Superior do Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, 2024.
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