Research Outputs
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Results 1-13 of 13
Alternative isolation protocol for desulfo and zwitterionic cylindrospermopsin alkaloids and comparison of their toxicity in hepG2 cells [2020]
Blanco, Carlos Andrey González

Molecules 2020 July;25(13)3027
Antimicrobial activity of silver and gold nanoparticles prepared by photoreduction process with leaves and fruit extracts of Plinia cauliflora and Punica granatum [2022]
Franzolin, Marcia Regina
Molecules 2022 Oct; 27(20):6860
Antitumoral and antiproliferative potential of synthetic derivatives of scorpion peptide IsCT1 in an oral cavity squamous carcinoma model [2024]
Cabral, Laertty Garcia de Sousa

Molecules 2024 Sep; 29(19):4533
Co-localization of crotamine with internal membranes and accentuated accumulation in tumor cells [2018]
Mambelli, Nicole Caroline

Molecules 2018 Apr;23(4):968
Cutaneous melanoma an overview of physiological and therapeutic aspects and biotechnological use of serine protease inhibitors [2024]
Boleti, Ana Paula De Araújo; Jacobowski, Ana Cristina; Monteiro-Alfredo, Tamaeh; Pereira, Ana Paula Ramos; Oliva, Maria Luiza Vilela; Maria, Durvanei Augusto
Molecules 2024 Aug; 29(16):3891
Effects of Kynurenic acid on the rat aorta ischemia—reperfusion model: pharmacological characterization and proteomic profiling [2021]
Lima, Viviane Soares Souza; Mariano, Douglas Oscar Ceolin

Molecules 2021 May;26(10):2845
Evaluation of Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of chemical constituents from Baccharis Sphenophylla isolated using high-performance countercurrent chromatography [2023]
Matheus L. Silva; Felipe S. Sales; Levatti, Erica V. C.; Antar, Guilherme M.; Cardoso, Andre Gustavo Tempone
Molecules 2023 Dec; 29:212
LncRNA JHDM1D-AS1 is a key biomarker for progression and modulation of gemcitabine sensitivity in bladder cancer cells [2023]
Pereira, Isadora Oliveira Ansaloni; Silva, Glenda Nicioli da; Almeida, Tamires Cunha
Molecules 2023 Mar; 28(5):2412
A multi-species phenotypic screening assay for leishmaniasis drug discovery shows that active compounds display a high degree of species-specificity [2020]
Alcantara, Laura M.; Ferreira, Thalita Camêlo da Silva

Molecules 2020 May;25(11):2551
Optimization of mouse growth hormone plasmid DNA electrotransfer into tibialis cranialis muscle of “little” mice [2020]
Lima, Eliana Rosa; Cecchi, Claudia Regina; Higuti, Eliza
Molecules 2020 Oct;25(21):5034
Proliferation and invasion of melanoma are suppressed by a plant protease inhibitor, leading to downregulation of survival/death-related proteins [2022]
Bonturi, Camila Ramalho; Salu, Bruno Ramos; Bonazza, Camila Nimri; Sinigaglia, Rita de Cassia; Rodrigues, Tiago; Flores, Miryam Paola Alvarez

Molecules 2022 May; 27(9):2956
Sarconesin II, a new antimicrobial peptide isolated from Sarconesiopsis magellanica excretions and secretions [2019]
Díaz-Roa, Andrea

Molecules 2019 May;24:2077
A secreted phospholipase A2 induces formation of smooth muscle foam cells which transdifferentiate to macrophage-like state [2019]
Giannotti, Karina Cristina

Molecules 2019 Sep;24(18):3244