Lab. Imunopatologia
Research Outputs
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Results 1-20 of 106
Ação da disintegrina insularina (GST-INS) na expressão de genes pró-metastáticos de células de melanoma (SK-MEL-28) estimuladas por plaquetas [2022]
Nascimento, Ana Beatriz Bastos do

Academic monograph
Altered RNome expression in murine gastrocnemius muscle following exposure to Jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca venom [2022]
Nascimento, Andrezza; Zychar, Bianca Cestari

Toxins 2022 July;14(7):472
Antiangiogenic properties of BthMP, a P–I metalloproteinase from Bothrops moojeni snake venom by VEGF pathway in endothelial cells [2024]
Oliveira, Vinícius Queiroz; Santos, Luísa Carregosa; Teixeira, Samuel Cota; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2024 Apr; 706:149748
Antileishmanial effects of γCdcPLI, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor from Crotalus durissus collilineatus snake serum, on Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis [2023]
Gonçalves, Marina Neves; Lopes, Daiana Silva; Teixeira, Samuel Cota; Gimenes, Sarah Natalie Cirilo

Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2023, Nov; 118:e220225
Antimicrobial effect of bothropstoxin-i in broilers [2021]
Silveira, Ana Carolina Portella; Gimenes, Sarah Natalie Cirilo
Semin Cienc Agrar 2021 Jan/Fev;42(1):267-282
Assessment of the anti-snakebite properties of extracts of Aniba fragrans Ducke (Lauraceae) used in folk medicine as complementary treatment in cases of envenomation by Bothrops atrox [2018]
Moura, Valéria Mourão de; Guimarães, Noranathan da Costa

J Ethnopharmacol 2018 Mar;213:350-8
Avaliação da atividade pró-inflamatória de Bothropstoxina-I do veneno de Bothrops jararacussu em camundongos AIRmax e AIRmin. [2023]
Camargo, Isabella Mitie de

Academic monograph
Bacterial community composition and potential pathogens along the Pinheiros River in the southeast of Brazil [2020]
Godoy, Rafaela Garrido; Marcondes, Marta Angela; Pessôa, Rodrigo; Nascimento, Andrezza; Victor, Jefferson Russo; Duarte, Alberto José da Silva; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Sci Rep 2020 Jun;10:9331
Bad things come in small packages: predicting venom-induced coagulopathy in Bothrops atrox bites using snake ontogenetic parameters [2020]
Bernal, Jorge Carlos Contreras; Bisneto, Pedro Ferreira; Pereira, João Pedro Tavares; Ibiapina, Hiochelson Najibe dos Santos; Sarraff, Lybia Kássia Santos; Monteiro-Júnior, Cláudio; Pereira, Handerson da Silva; Santos, Bruno; Moura, Valéria Mourão de; Oliveira, Sâmella Silva de

Clin Toxicol 2020 Aug;58(5):388-396
Biochemical and functional characterization of a new recombinant phospholipase A2 inhibitor from Crotalus durissus collilineatus snake serum [2020]
Gimenes, Sarah Natalie Cirilo
Int J Biol Macromol 2020 Dec;164:1545-1553
Biocompatible lipid polymer cationic nanoparticles for antigen presentation [2021]
Pérez-Betancourt, Yunys; Távora, Bianca de Carvalho Lins Fernandes

Polymers 2021 Jan;13(2):185
Bleeding disorders in bothrops atrox envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: participation of hemostatic factors and the impact of tissue factor [2020]
Oliveira, Sâmella S.; Alves, Eliane C.; Santos, Alessandra S.; Nascimento, Elizandra F.; Pereira, João Pedro T.; Silva, Iran M.; Sachett, Jacqueline A. G.; Sarraff, Lybia Kássia S.; Freitas-de-Sousa, Luciana Aparecida

Toxins 2020 Aug;12(9):554
Bothrops atrox, the most important snake involved in human envenomings in the amazon: how venomics contributes to the knowledge of snake biology and clinical toxinology [2020]
Monteiro, Wuelton Marcelo; Contreras-Bernal, Jorge Carlos; Ferreira Bisneto, Pedro; Sachett, Jacqueline; Silva, Iran Mendonça da; Lacerda, Marcus; Costa, Allyson Guimarães da; Val, Fernando; Brasileiro, Lisele; Sartim, Marco Aurélio; Silva-de-Oliveira, Sâmella; Bernarde, Paulo Sérgio; Kaefer, Igor L.; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi

Toxicon X 2020 Jun;6:100037
Bothrops bilineatus: an arboreal pitviper in the Amazon and Atlantic forest [2021]
Bernarde, Paulo Sérgio; Pucca, Manuela Berto; Mota-da-Silva, Ageane; Fonseca, Wirven Lima da; Almeida, Marllus Rafael Negreiros de; Oliveira, Isadora Sousa de; Cerni, Felipe Augusto; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi

Front Immunol 2021 Dec; 12:778302
Bothrops jararaca accessory venom gland is an ancillary source of toxins to the snake [2018]
Valente, Richard Hemmi; Luna, Milene Schmidt

J Proteomics 2018 Apr;177:137-47
Bothrops snakebites in the Amazon: recovery from hemostatic disorders after Brazilian antivenom therapy [2020]
Oliveira, Sâmella Silva de

Clin Toxicol 2020 Jul;58(4):266-274
Caracterizando o perfil enzimático de extratos de tentáculos da água-viva do Atlântico Sul Olindias sambaquiensis (Hydrozoa) [2016]
Knittel, Paloma Sirigatti

Master thesis
Cationic and biocompatible polymer/lipid nanoparticles as immunoadjuvants [2021]
Pérez-Betancourt, Yunys; Araujo, Péricles Marques; Távora, Bianca de Carvalho Lins Fernandes

Pharmaceutics 2021 Nov;13(11):1859
CD28 deficiency leads to accumulation of germinal-center independent IgM+ experienced B cells and to production of protective IgM during experimental malaria [2018]
Silva, Henrique Borges da; Salles, Érika Machado de; Faquim Mauro, Eliana Lima

PLoS One 2018 Aug;13(8):e0202522
Celebrating 120 years of Butantan Institute contributions for toxinology [2022]
Moura-da-Silva, Ana Maria
Book 2022 Jan:410