(LETA) Lab. Toxinologia Aplicada

Research Outputs

Resultados encontrados

Results 181-200 of 236

Rhythms of transcription in field-grown sugarcane are highly organ specific [2020]

Dantas, Luíza Lane de Barros; Almeida-Jesus, Felipe Marcelo; Lima, Natalia Oliveira de; Alves-Lima, Cícero; Nishiyama Junior, Milton Yutaka ; Carneiro, Monalisa Sampaio; Souza, Glaucia Mendes; Hotta, Carlos Takeshi
Sci Rep 2020 Apr;10:6565

Role of ErbB and IL-1 signaling pathways in the dermonecrotic lesion induced by Loxosceles sphingomyelinases D [2023]

Pinto, Bruna Fernandes; Lopes, Priscila Hess; Trufen, Carlos Eduardo Madureira; Ching, Ana Tung Ching ; Junqueira-de-Azevedo, Inácio de Loiola Meirelles ; Nishiyama Junior, Milton Yutaka ; Pohl, Paula Cristiane ; Tambourgi, Denise Vilarinho
Arch Toxicol 2023 Sep; 97:3285-3301

Rondonin: antimicrobial properties and mechanism of action [2021]

Riciluca, Katie C. T.; Oliveira, Ursula Castro; Mendonça, Ronaldo Zucatelli ; Junior, José C Bozelli; Schreier, Shirley; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da
FEBS Open Bio 2021 Sept;11(9):2541-2559

Sarconesin II, a new antimicrobial peptide isolated from Sarconesiopsis magellanica excretions and secretions [2019]

Díaz-Roa, Andrea ; Espinoza-Culupú, Abraham ; Torres-García, Orlando; Borges, Monamaris Marques ; Avino, Ivan Novaski ; Alves, Flávio L.; Miranda, Antonio; Patarroyo, Manuel A.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da ; Bello, Felio J.
Molecules 2019 May;24:2077

Sarconesin: sarconesiopsis magellanica blowfly larval excretions and secretions with antibacterial properties [2018]

Díaz-Roa, Andrea ; Patarroyo, Manuel A.; Bello, Felio J.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da
Front Microbiol 2018;9:2249

Serrulin: a glycine-rich bioactive peptide from the hemolymph of the yellow Tityus serrulatus scorpion [2019]

Oliveira, Thiago de Jesus ; Oliveira, Ursula Castro de ; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da
Toxins 2019 Sep;11(9):517

Shedding light on the drug–target prediction of the anti-inflammatory peptide TnP with bioinformatics tools [2022]

Lima, Carla ; Eto, Silas Fernandes ; Lopes-Ferreira, Monica
Pharmaceuticals 2022 Aug; 15(8):994

Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) improves TNBS-induced colitis in zebrafish [2021]

Fénero, Camila Morales; Amaral, Mariana Abrantes; Xavier, Izabella Karina; Padovani, Barbara Nunes; Paredes, Lais Cavalieri; Takiishi, Tatiana; Lopes-Ferreira, Monica ; Lima, Carla ; Colombo, Alicia; Câmara, Niels Olsen Saraiva
Curr Res Immunol 2022 Sept;2:142-154

Sialic acid-containing glycans play a role in the activity of snake venom proteases [2022]

Brás-Costa, Carolina; Chaves, Alison Felipe Alencar ; Trevisan Silva, Dilza ; Menezes, Milene Cristina ; Rocha, Marisa Maria Teixeira da ; Cajado-Carvalho, Daniela ; Andrade-Silva, Débora; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo
Biochimie Jan 2023; 204:140-153

Signatures of protein expression revealed by secretome analyses of cancer associated fibroblasts and melanoma cell lines [2018]

Liberato, Tarcísio; Pessotti, Dayelle S.; Fukushima, Isabella; Kitano, Eduardo Shigueo ; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo ; Zelanis, André
J Proteomics 2018 Mar;174:1-8

Simultaneous expression of UV and violet SWS1 opsins expands the visual palette in a group of freshwater snakes [2021]

Hauzman, Einat; Pierotti, Michele E R; Bhattacharyya, Nihar; Tashiro, Juliana H; Yovanovich, Carola A M; Campos, Pollyanna Fernandes ; Ventura, Dora F; Chang, Belinda S W
Mol Biol Evol 2021 Sept;38(12):5225–5240

Size matters: an evaluation of the molecular basis of ontogenetic modifications in the composition of Bothrops jararacussu snake venom [2020]

Freitas-de-Sousa, Luciana Aparecida ; Nachtigall, Pedro Gabriel ; Portes Junior, José Antonio ; Holding, Matthew L.; Nystrom, Gunnar S.; Ellsworth, Schyler A.; Guimarães, Noranathan da Costa ; Tioyama, Emilly Campos ; Ortiz, Flora Roncolatto ; Silva, Bruno Rocha da ; Kunz, Tobias S. ; Junqueira-de-Azevedo, Inácio de Loiola Meirelles ; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi ; Rokyta, Darin R.; Moura-da-Silva, Ana Maria
Toxins 2020 Dec;12(12):791

Snake venom matrix metalloproteinases (svMMPs) [2021]

Junqueira-de-Azevedo, Inácio de Loiola Meirelles ; Bayona-Serrano, Juan David
Book chapter

A snapshot of Bothrops jararaca snake venom gland subcellular proteome [2023]

Camacho, Maurício Frota; Stuginski, Daniel Rodrigues ; Andrade-Silva, Debora; Nishiyama Junior, Milton Yutaka ; Valente, Richard H.; Zelanis, Andre
Biochimie 2023 Nov; 214:1-10

Stingray (Potamotrygon rex) maturity is associated with inflammatory capacity of the venom [2019]

Santos, Juliane Monteiro dos; Santos, Janaína Cardoso dos; Marques, Elineide Eugenio; Araújo, Gessi Carvalho de; Seibert, Carla Simone; Lopes-Ferreira, Monica ; Lima, Carla
Toxicon 2019 May;163:74-83

Structure-function-guided exploration of the antimicrobial peptide polybia-CP identifies activity determinants and generates synthetic therapeutic candidates [2018]

Torres, Marcelo D. T.; Pedron, Cibele N.; Higashikuni, Yasutomi; Kramer, Robin M.; Cardoso, Marlon H.; Oshiro, Karen G. N.; Franco, Octavio L.; Silva Junior, Pedro Ismael da ; Silva, Fernanda D.; Oliveira Junior, Vani X.; Lu, Timothy K.; Fuente-Nunez, Cesar de la
Commun Biol 2018 Dec;1:221

Structures of N-glycans of Bothrops venoms revealed as molecular signatures that contribute to venom phenotype in viperid snakes [2018]

Andrade-Silva, Débora ; Ashline, David; Tran, Thuy; Lopes, Aline Soriano; Travaglia-Cardoso, Silvia Regina ; Reis, Marcelo da Silva ; Zelanis, André; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo ; Reinhold, Vernon
Mol Cell Proteomics 2018 Jul;17(7):1261-84

Substrate capture assay using inactive Oligopeptidases to identify novel peptides [2018]

Rioli, Vanessa ; Ferro, Emer S.
Book chapter 2018 Feb; 1719:97-105

Surface protein dispersin of enteroaggregative escherichia coli binds plasminogen that Is converted Into active plasmin [2020]

Moraes, Claudia Trigo Pedroso de ; Longo, Jonathan ; Silva, Ludmila Bezerra da ; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Carvalho, Eneas ; Morone, Mariana Salgado Loureiro de Caldas ; Rós, Nancy da ; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo ; Santos, Ana Carolina M.; Piazza, Roxane Maria Fontes ; Barbosa, Angela Silva ; Elias, Waldir Pereira
Front Microbiol 2020 June;11:1222