(LDI) Lab. Desenvolvimento e Inovação Industrial
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Results 1-20 of 126
2-Aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate (2-AEH2P) Associated with cell metabolism-modulating drugs presents a synergistic and pro-apoptotic effect in an in vitro model of the ascitic ehrlich tumor [2024]
Alves, Monique G.; Cabral, Laertty G. S.; Totti, Paulo G. F.; Azarias, Felipe R.; Pomini, Karine T.; Rici, Rose E. G.; Maria, Durvanei AugustoBiomedicines 2024 Jan; 12(1):109
Ação do campo elétrico alternado externo em células tumorais de melanoma e em fibroblastos normais [2020]
Alves, Monique GonçalvesBook chapter
Advances in carbon nanotubes for malignant melanoma: a chance for treatment [2018]
Lima, Elidamar Nunes de Carvalho; Piqueira, José Roberto Castilho; Maria, Durvanei AugustoMol Diagn Ther 2018 Dec;22(6):703-15
Aedes aegypti: egg morphology and embryonic development [2021]
Mundim-Pombo, Ana Paula Miranda; Carvalho, Hianka Jasmyne Costa de; Ribeiro, Rafaela Rodrigues; León, Marisol; Maria, Durvanei Augusto ; Miglino, Maria AngélicaParasit Vectors 2021 Oct;14:531
Alternative isolation protocol for desulfo and zwitterionic cylindrospermopsin alkaloids and comparison of their toxicity in hepG2 cells [2020]
Blanco, Carlos Andrey González ; Dörr, Felipe Augusto; Albuquerque, Renata; Onuki, Janice ; Pinto, ErnaniMolecules 2020 July;25(13)3027
Amblyomin-X, a recombinant Kunitz-type inhibitor, regulates cell adhesion and migration of human tumor cells [2018]
Schmidt, Mariana Costa Braga ; Morais, Kátia Luciano Pereira ; Almeida, Maíra Estanislau Soares de ; Iqbal, Asif ; Goldfeder, Mauricio Barbugiani ; Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana MarisaCell Adh Migr 2018;14(1):129-138
Anti-Biofilm action of biological silver nanoparticles produced by aspergillus tubingensis and antimicrobial activity of fabrics carrying it [2021]
Rodrigues, Alexandre Gomes ; Ruiz, Rita de Cássia ; Selari, Priscila J. R. G.; Araújo, Welington Luiz de; Souza, Ana Olívia deBiointerface Res Appl Chem 2021 Mar;11(6):14764-14774
Anticoagulants from Hematophagous [2018]
Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana Marisa ; Faria, Fernanda ; Flores, Miryam Paola Alvarez ; Mojca Božič-MijovskiBook chapter
Antifungal activity of mycogenic silver nanoparticles on clinical yeasts and phytopathogens [2023]
Ribeiro, Luiz Gustavo; Roque, Gabriella Sales Calaço; Conrado, Rafael ; Souza, Ana Olívia deAntibiotics 2023 Jan; 12(1):91
Antimicrobial activity of snake β-defensins and derived peptides [2022]
Oguiura, Nancy ; Corrêa, Poliana Garcia ; Rosmino, Isabella Lemos; Souza, Ana Olívia de ; Pasqualoto, Kerly Fernanda MesquitaToxins 2021 Dec;14(1):1
Antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effect of Amblyomma sculptum (Acari: Ixodidae) crude saliva in endothelial cells in vitro [2019]
Sá Júnior, Paulo Luiz de ; Câmara, Diana Aparecida Dias ; Sciani, Juliana Mozer ; Porcacchia, Allan Saj ; Fonseca, Pâmela Maria Moreira; Mendonça, Ronaldo Zucatelli ; Elifio-Esposito, Selene; Simons, Simone MichaelaBiomed Pharmacother 2019 Feb;110:353-361
Antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of DODAC/synthetic phosphoethanolamine on hepatocellular carcinoma cells [2018]
Luna, Arthur Cássio de Lima ; Saraiva, Greice Kelle Viegas; Chierice, Gilberto Orivaldo; Hesse, Henrique ; Maria, Durvanei AugustoBMC Pharmacol Toxicol 2018 Jul;19:44
Antiproliferative mdulation and pro-apoptotic effect of BR2 tumor-penetrating peptide formulation 2-aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate in triple-negative breast cancer [2023]
Cabral, Laertty Garcia de Sousa ; Oliveira, Cyntia Silva; Freire, Katielle Albuquerque; Alves, Monique Gonçalves ; Oliveira, Vani Xavier; Poyet, Jean-Luc; Maria, Durvanei AugustoCancers 2023, Nov; 15, 22: 5342
Antitumor effect of cell therapy with mesenchymal stem cells on murine melanoma B16-F10 [2020]
Menezes, Fernanda Carrilho de; Cabral, Laertty Garcia de Sousa ; Petrellis, Maria Carla ; Festa Neto, Cyro; Maria, Durvanei AugustoBiomed Pharmacother 2020 Aug;128:110294
Antitumoral and antiproliferative potential of synthetic derivatives of scorpion peptide IsCT1 in an oral cavity squamous carcinoma model [2024]
Cabral, Laertty Garcia de Sousa ; Oliveira, Cyntia Silva de; Oliveira Jr, Vani Xavier; Alves, Rosely Cabette Barbosa ; Poyet, Jean-Luc; Maria, Durvanei AugustoMolecules 2024 Sep; 29(19):4533
Behavioral Effects of Extracts and Compounds Isolated from Erythrina Velutina (Mulungu) in Rats [2023]
Simokomaki, Kimie; Barreto, S. A; Chaguri, Luziane do Carmo Andrade Guinski ; Lebrun, IvoJ Ethol & Animal Sci 2023 Apr; 5(1):000129
Biochemical and functional characterization of protease inhibitors (serpins and kunitz), identified from the sialotranscriptome of Hyalomma dromedarii tick [2023]
Aounallah, Hajer ; Faria, FernandaDoctoral thesis
Biogenic Aspergillus tubingensis silver nanoparticles’ in vitro effects on human umbilical vein endothelial cells, normal human fibroblasts, HEPG2, and Galleria mellonella [2019]
Ottoni, Cristiane Angélica; Maria, Durvanei Augusto ; Gonçalves, Priscila Jane Romano de Oliveira; Araújo, Welington Luiz de; Souza, Ana Olívia deToxicol Res 2019 Nov;8(6):789-801
Biological effects and biodistribution of bufotenine on mice [2018]
Vigerelli, Hugo ; Sciani, Juliana Mozer ; Camarano, María Andrea Eula ; Sato, Luciana Almeida ; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria ; Jared, Carlos ; Pimenta, Daniel CarvalhoBiomed Res Int 2018;2018:1032638
Biological effects of an oxyphytosterol generated by β-Sitosterol ozonization [2020]
Takayasu, Bianca Sayuri ; Martins, Igor R.; Garnique, Anali M.B.; Miyamoto, Sayuri; Machado-Santelli, Gláucia M.; Onuki, JaniceArch Biochem Biophys 2020 Oct;696:108654