Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências – Toxinologia (PPGTox)

Research Outputs

Resultados encontrados

Results 181-200 of 334

Integrative multiomics analysis of Premolis semirufa caterpillar venom in the search for molecules leading to a joint disease [2021]

Tambourgi, Denise Vilarinho ; Squaiella-Baptistão, Carla Cristina ; Villas-Boas, Isadora Maria ; Pidde-Queiroz, Giselle ; Paes-Leme, Adriana F.; Marques-Porto, Rafael ; Nishiyama Junior, Milton Yutaka ; Oliveira, Ursula Castro de ; Junqueira-de-Azevedo, Inácio de Loiola Meirelles
Sci Rep 2021 Jan;11:1995

Interaction of pathogenic escherichia coli with the host: pathogenomics, virulence and antibiotic resistance [2021]

Gomes, Tânia A. T.; Dobrindt, Ulrich; Farfan, Mauricio J.; Piazza, Roxane Maria Fontes
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2021 Mar;11:654283

Intravenous transplantation of human dental pulp stem cells promotes AC neurogenesis recovery and behavior improvement in 3-nitropropionic acid huntington disease rat model [2018]

Wenceslau, Cristiane Valverde; Lisboa, Gustavo Sabino; da Silva, Joyce Macedo; Mambelli-Lisboa, Nicole Caroline; Haddad, Monica; Kerkis, Irina
Neurotherapeutics 2018 Oct; 15:1184-1184

Involvement of von Willebrand factor and botrocetin in the thrombocytopenia induced by Bothrops jararaca snake venom [2021]

Thomazini, Camila Martos; Sachetto, Ana Teresa Azevedo; Albuquerque, Cynthia Zaccanini de ; Mattaraia, Vânia Gomes de Moura ; Oliveira, Ana Karina de; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo ; Lebrun, Ivo ; Barbaro, Katia Cristina ; Santoro, Marcelo Larami
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 Sept;15(9):e0009715

Isolated by dry lands: integrative analyses unveil the existence of a new species and a previously unknown evolutionary lineage of Brazilian Lanceheads (Serpentes: Viperidae: Bothrops) from a Caatinga moist-forest enclave [2022]

Barbo, Fausto Erritto ; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi ; Pereira-Filho, Gentil A.; Freitas, Marco A.; Abrantes, Stephenson H.F.; Kokubum, Marcelo N. de C.
Can J Zool 2022 Jan;100(2):147-159

It takes a school of fish to avoid an environmental collapse: Zebrafish as an outstanding alternative animal model in chemical toxicity screening [2022]

Disner, Geonildo Rodrigo ; Lima, Carla ; Lopes-Ferreira, Monica
Ecotoxicol Environ Contam 2022 Aug; 17(1):67-69

Kn-Ba: a novel serine protease isolated from Bitis arietans snake venom with fibrinogenolytic and kinin-releasing activities [2018]

Megale, Ângela Alice Amadeu ; Magnoli, Fábio Carlos ; Kuniyoshi, Alexandre Kazuo ; Iwai, Leo Kei ; Tambourgi, Denise Vilarinho ; Portaro, Fernanda Calheta Vieira ; Silva, Wilmar Dias da
J Venom Anim Toxins Trop Dis 2018 Dec;24:38

Knockdown of miR-26a in zebrafish leads to impairment of the anti-inflammatory function of TnP in the control of neutrophilia [2021]

Falcão, Maria Alice Pimentel; Walker, Cristiani Isabel Banderó; Disner, Geonildo Rodrigo ; Silva Filho, João Batista da ; Soares, Amanda Beatriz Silva ; Lima, Leticia Balan ; Lima, Carla ; Lopes-Ferreira, Monica
Fish Shellfish Immunol 2021 July;114:301-310

A Kunitz-type inhibitor from tick salivary glands: a promising novel antitumor drug candidate [2022]

Lobba, Aline Ramos Maia ; Flores, Miryam Paola Alvarez ; Fessel, Melissa Regina ; Buri, Marcus Vinicius ; Oliveira, Douglas Souza ; Gomes, Renata Nascimento ; Cunegundes, Priscila Silva ; De Ocesano-Pereira, Carlos ; Cinel, Victor Dal Posolo; Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana Marisa
Front Mol Biosci 2022 Aug; 9:936107

Leptolysin, a leptospira secreted metalloprotease of the pappalysin family with broad-spectrum activity [2022]

Courrol, Daniella dos Santos; Silva, Cristiane Castilho Fernandes da; Prado, Luan Gavião; Portaro, Fernanda Calheta Vieira ; Barbosa, Angela Silva
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2022 Aug; 12:966370

LipL41 and LigA/LigB gene silencing on a LipL32 knockout Leptospira interrogans reveals the impact of multiple mutations on virulence [2023]

Fernandes, Luis Guilherme Vírgílio ; Foltran, Bruno Botega ; Teixeira, Aline Rodrigues Florêncio ; Nascimento, Ana Lúcia Tabet Oller
Pathogens 2023 Sep; 12(10):1191

Localização espacial do processamento das metaloproteinases do veneno botrópico [2014]

Portes Junior, José Antonio ; Moura-da-Silva, Ana Maria
Doctoral thesis

Losac and lopap recombinant proteins from Lonomia obliqua bristles positively modulate the myoblast proliferation process [2022]

Gómez, Angela María Alvarez ; Flores, Miryam Paola Alvarez ; De Ocesano-Pereira, Carlos ; Goldfeder, Mauricio Barbugiani ; Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana Marisa ; Moreira, Vanessa; Teixeira, Catarina de Fátima Pereira
Front Mol Biosci 2022 June;9:904737

Lower levels of CXCL-8 and IL-2 on admission as predictors of early adverse reactions to Bothrops antivenom in the Brazilian Amazon [2022]

Soares, Frandison G. S.; Ibiapina, Hiochelson N.; Sartim, Marco A.; Fan, Hui Wen ; Moura-da-Silva, Ana Maria
Cytokine 2022 Apr;152:155825

Magnetite-levan nanoparticles for lectin purification: a single-step strategy for protein isolation from the seeds extract of the plant Cratylia mollis [2022]

Silva, Daiane Laise da ; Cabrera, Mariana Paola; Cavalcanti, Igor Teixeira; Coelho, Guilherme Rabelo ; Beraldo Neto, Emidio ; Padilha, Rafael José Ribeiro; Silva, Carlos Eduardo Sales da; Correia, Maria Tereza dos Santos; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho ; Carvalho Junior, Luiz Bezerra de
J Chromatogr A 2022 Aug;1677:463292

Male reproductive cycle of Bothrops pubescens (Serpentes, Viperidae) from southern Brazil [2022]

Barros, Verônica Alberto ; Silva, Karina Maria Pereira da ; Rojas, Claudio Augusto ; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
South Am J Herpetol 2022 Aug; 24(1):1-10

Metagenomic insights into the plasma virome of Brazilian patients with prostate cancer [2023]

Zanette, Dalila Luciola; Coelho, Karoline Brito Caetano Andrade; Carvalho, Eneas ; Bernardino, Jardelina de Souza Todão ; Viala, Vincent Louis ; Sampaio, Sandra Coccuzzo ; Elias, Maria Carolina ; Covas, Dimas Tadeu ; Slavov, Svetoslav Nanev
Mol Cell Oncol 2023 Mar; 10(1):2188858