Viviane Maimoni Gonçalves
Research Outputs
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Results 1-20 of 25
Anti-flavivirus vaccines: review of the present situation and perspectives of subunit vaccines produced in escherichia coli [2020]
Araujo, Sergio Carneiro

Vaccines 2020 Aug;8(3):492
Children as curators: how to incorporate young visitors’ voices into the elaboration and evaluation of a microbiology exhibition [2019]
Tino De Franco, Milene

Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos 2019 Jan.-Mar.;26(1):85-101
ClearColi as a platform for untagged pneumococcal surface protein a production: cultivation strategy, bioreactor culture, and purification [2022]
Cardoso, Valdemir M.; Paredes, Sheyla A. H.; Campani, Gilson; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2022 Jan;106:1011–1029
A comprehensive method for modeling and simulating ion exchange chromatography of complex mixtures [2022]
Benedini, Leandro J.; Furlan, Felipe F.; Figueiredo, Douglas Borges; Cabrera-Crespo, Joaquin

Protein Expr Purif 2022 Dec; 205:106228,
Cost analysis based on bioreactor cultivation conditions: production of a soluble recombinant protein using Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) [2020]
Cardoso, Valdemir M.; Campani, Gilson; Santos, Mauricio P.; Silva, Gabriel G.; Pires, Manuella Cazelato

Biotechnol Rep 2020 Jun;26:e00441
Development of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (nartograstim) production process in Escherichia coli compatible with industrial scale and with no antibiotics in the culture medium [2021]
Eguia, Fara Amelia Primelles

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2021 Nov;105:169-183
Evaluation of polymer choice on immunogenicity of chitosan coated PLGA NPs with surface-adsorbed pneumococcal protein antigen PspA4Pro [2021]
Kaneko, Kan; Miyaji, Eliane Namie

Int J Pharm 2021 Apr;599:120407
High stabilization and hyperactivation of a recombinant β-Xylosidase through immobilization strategies [2021]
Corradini, Felipe A.S.; Milessi, Thais S.; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni
Enzyme Microb Technol 2021 Apr;145:109725
Influence of the mRNA initial region on protein production: a case study using recombinant detoxified pneumolysin as a model [2024]
Fusco, Filipe; Pires, Manuella Cazelato; Lopes, Alexandre Paulo Yague

Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2024 Jan; 11:1304965
Learning about microorganisms in childhood: four- to six-year-old children’s voice in kindergartens and museums [2018]
Dominguez, Celi Rodrigues Chaves; Leporo, Natalia; Tino De Franco, Milene

Rev Bras Pesqui Educ Cienc 2018 Apr;18(1):1-25
Liposome-based dry powder vaccine immunization targeting the lungs induces broad protection against pneumococcus [2024]
Rodrigues, T. C.; Figueiredo, D. B.; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni

J Control Release 2024 Apr; 368:184-198
Modeling and simulation of anion exchange chromatography for purification of proteins in complex mixtures [2020]
Benedini, Leandro J.; Figueiredo, Douglas Borges

J Chromatogr A 2020 Feb;1613:460685
Mucosal immunization with PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A)-adsorbed nanoparticles targeting the lungs for protection against pneumococcal infection [2018]
Rodrigues, Tasson Costa

PLoS One 2018 Jan;13(1):e0191692
A new vector for heterologous gene expression in Escherichia coli with increased stability in the absence of antibiotic [2018]
Eguia, Fara Amelia Primelles

Plasmid 2018 Jun;98:22-30
Novel method for production and purification of untagged pneumococcal surface protein A from clade 1 [2024]
Rodrigues, Tasson Costa; Zorzete, Patricia; Miyaji, Eliane Namie

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2024 Apr; 108(281)
Optimization and scale-up production of Zika virus deltaNS1 in Escherichia coli: application of Response Surface Methodology [2019]
Kanno, Alex Issamu

AMB Express 2019 Dec;10:1
Optimization of expression and purification of schistosoma mansoni antigens in fusion with Rhizavidin [2021]
Barbosa, Mayra Mara Ferrari

Mol Biotechnol 2021 June;63:983–991
Peptide linker increased the stability of pneumococcal fusion protein vaccine candidate [2023]
Zane, Luciano; Kraschowetz, Stefanie; Trentini, Monalisa Martins

Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2023 Jan; 11:1108300
Pneumococcal surface protein a-hybrid nanoparticles protect mice from lethal challenge after mucosal immunization targeting the lungs [2022]
Figueiredo, Douglas Borges de; Kaneko, Kan; Rodrigues, Tasson da Costa; MacLoughlin, Ronan; Miyaji, Eliane Namie

Pharmaceutics 2022 June;14(6):1238