Alien scorpions in the Municipality of São Paulo, Brazil: evidence of successful establishment of Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876) and first records of Broteochactas parvulus Pocock, 1897, and Jaguajir rochae (Borelli, 1910)
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We report the successful introduction and invasion of the scorpion species, Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876), in Sao Paulo municipality, Brazil, more than 1,000 km from its southern-most record. The species has considerable impacts on human health, because of its venomous sting. The first specimen appeared in 2012, and by the end of 2015, three populations were identified, with 86 records so far. They were probably introduced via the fruit trade. Two other alien scorpion species were recorded in Sao Paulo, including a single specimen of Broteochactas parvulus Pocock, 1897, and two specimens of Jaguajir rochae (Borelli, 1910).
Bertani R, Bonini RK, Toda MM, Isa LS, Figueiredo JVA, Santos MR, et al. Alien scorpions in the Municipality of São Paulo, Brazil: evidence of successful establishment of Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876) and first records of Broteochactas parvulus Pocock, 1897, and Jaguajir rochae (Borelli, 1910). Bioinvasions Rec. 2018 Mar;7(1):89-94. doi:10.3391/bir.2018.7.1.14.
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