New additions to the herpetofauna of the Dois Irmãos State Park, an urban Atlantic Rainforest fragment in northeastern Brazil

Resumo em inglês
The Atlantic Rainforest is the second largest forest block in the Neotropics, which originally comprised more than 150 million ha in highly heterogeneous environmental conditions. In this study, we updated the list of amphibians and reptiles in the Dois Irmãos State Park (PEDI), a conservation unit that is an Atlantic Rainforest remnant in Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil. Active and passive surveys were carried out weekly, from June 2008 to April 2009, respectively by searching different forest microenvironments and by using pitfall traps. We recorded 34 species of amphibians belonging to 10 families and 27 species of reptiles belonging to 17 families. This study adds three species of amphibians and 18 species of reptiles to previous surveys of the herpetofauna at the PEDI. The PEDI comprises a richness equivalent to 49% of the anurans and 32% of the reptiles recorded in the Atlantic Rainforest in Pernambuco State. This area makes up the group of urban protected areas in which the local herpetofauna has been inventoried, as well as isolated areas in the metropolitan region of the municipality of Recife. Regarding these urban areas, the PEDI Reserve comprises 38.7% of the local richness, being considered a well-maintained remnant in an urban area. Thus, we highlight the need to invest in the conservation of urban forest fragments, given the significant richness that PEDI displays in relation to other extremely impoverished Atlantic Rainforest areas.
Melo I.V., De Moura G.J.B., Freitas MA, De Andrade E.V.E., Casal C., Abegg AD, et al. New additions to the herpetofauna of the Dois Irmãos State Park, an urban Atlantic Rainforest fragment in northeastern Brazil. Herpetol Notes. 2018;11:245-54
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