In vitro heterogeneity of porcine adipose tissue-derived stem cells

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Tissue-specific adult stem cells (ASC) are heterogeneous and characterized by a mix of progenitor cells that produce cells at various stages of differentiation, and ultimately different terminally differentiated cells. Understanding the heterogeneity of ASCs may lead to the development of improved protocols of cell isolation and optimized cell therapy clinical protocols. Using a combination of enzymatic and explant culture protocols, we obtained pADSC population, which is composed by two distinct morphologies: fibroblast-like cells (FLCs) and endothelial-like cells (ELCs). Both cell sub-types efficiently formed colonies, expressed CD90+/CD105+/CD44+, and differentially expressed such markers such as Nestin, Vimentin, Fibronectin, Cytokeratin, Connexin 43, CD31, CD34 and CD146 as well as the pluripotent stem cell markers Oct-4, Nanog and Sox2. Mixed populations of pADSCs did not lose their multipotentiality and the cells were able to undergo osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic and myogenic differentiation. Furthermore, the mixed population spontaneously formed capillary tube structures. Our findings suggest that different subpopulations can be isolated from adipose tissue and that the ADSCs need to be better evaluated using a wide panel of different markers related to cell differentiation, which is important for stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine, particularly for advanced stem cells therapies – products that are currently under investigation or even use.
Zuttion MSSR, Câmara DAD, Dariolli R, Takimura C, Wenceslau CV, Kerkis I. In vitro heterogeneity of porcine adipose tissue-derived stem cells. Tissue Cell. 2019 June;58:51-60. doi:10.1016/j.tice.2019.04.001.
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