Human B cells infected by Trypanosoma cruzi undergo F-actin disruption and cell death via caspase-7 activation and cleavage of phospholipase Cgama1

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Resumo em inglês
B cells contribute to the immune system in many ways such as antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells, secretion of cytokines and lymphoid tissue organogenesis. Furthermore, they are the only cell type capable of producing immunoglobulins. B cells also account for critical aspects of the resistance against intracellular pathogens. Trypanosoma cruzi is an intracellular parasite that sabotages humoral response by depletion of immature B cells. Polyclonal activation and secretion of non-specific antibodies are also other mechanisms used by T cruzi to evade and subvert the mammalian host immune system, leading to increased parasitemia and susceptibility to Chagas’ disease. It remained unclear whether B cell depletion occurs due to direct contact with T. cruzi or results from a global increase in inflammation. Unlike previous reports, we demonstrated in this study that T. cruzi infects human B cells, resulting in parasite-induced activation of caspase-7 followed by proteolytic cleavage of phospholipase Cgama1 and cell death. These data contribute to explain the mechanisms ruling B-cell depletion and evasion of the immune response by T. cruzi.
Santos MA, Martins FA, Borges BC, Santos JG, Alves RN, Dias MH, et al. Human B cells infected by Trypanosoma cruzi undergo F-actin disruption and cell death via caspase-7 activation and cleavage of phospholipase Cgama1. Immunobiology. 2020 Jan:151904. doi:10.1016/j.imbio.2020.151904.
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