(LG) Lab. Genética
Research Outputs
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Results 1-20 of 74
Advanced cell therapy with low tissue factor loaded product NestaCell® does not confer thrombogenic risk for critically ill COVID-19 heparin-treated patients [2022]
Araldi, Rodrigo Pinheiro

Biomed Pharmacother 2022 May;149:112920
Aluminum bioconcentration in female nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) and the effects on pituitary gonadotropins [2021]
Narcizo, Amanda de Moraes; Correia, Tiago Gabriel; Bianchini, Adalto; Mayer, Mario Gustavo
Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 2021 Mar;241:108965
Amniotic membrane as a biological scaffold for dental pulp stem cell transplantation in ocular surface reconstruction [2019]
Monteiro, Bábyla Geraldes

Arq Bras Oftalmol 2019 Jan-Feb;82(1):32-37
Analysis of antioxidant, cytotoxic and mutagenic potential of Agave sisalana Perrine extracts using Vero cells, human lymphocytes and mice polychromatic erythrocytes [2018]
Araldi, Rodrigo Pinheiro

Biomed Pharmacother 2018 Feb; 98:873-885
Antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effect of Amblyomma sculptum (Acari: Ixodidae) crude saliva in endothelial cells in vitro [2019]
Sá Júnior, Paulo Luiz de

Biomed Pharmacother 2019 Feb;110:353-361
Antitumoral effects of Amblyomma sculptum Berlese saliva in neuroblastoma cell lines involve cytoskeletal deconstruction and cell cycle arrest [2019]
Nascimento, Thatyanne Gradowski do; Vieira, Priscilla Santos; Cogo, Sheron Campos; Dias-Netipanyj, Marcela Ferreira; França Junior, Nilton de; Câmara, Diana Aparecida Dias

Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2019 Jan/Mar;28(1):126-133
Avaliação de expressão imuno-histoquímica de EGF e EGFR durante envelhecimento de glândulas salivares humanas [2019]
Sivera, Renata Araujo
Academic monograph
Behavior of alfa-tomatine and tomatidine against several genera of trypanosomatids from insects and plants and Trypanosoma cruzi [2018]
Evangelista, Adriane Feijó; Kavati, Érica Akemi
Acta Sci Biol Sci 2018;40:e41853
Biochemical and biological characterization of the Hypanus americanus mucus: a perspective on stingray immunity and toxins [2019]
Coelho, Guilherme Rabelo

Fish Shellfish Immunol 2019 Oct;93:832-840
Bothrops moojeni venom and its components strongly affect Osteoclasts’ maturation and protein patterns [2021]
D’Amélio, Fernanda

Toxins 2021 June;13(7):459
Bothrops moojeni venom and its components: an overview [2021]
D’Amélio, Fernanda

J Venom Res 2021 May;11:26-33
Bottom-up proteomic analysis of polypeptide venom components of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps [2019]
Mariano, Douglas Oscar Ceolin

Toxins 2019 Jul;11(8):448
Box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) extract increases neuron’s connection: a possible neuroprotector effect [2021]
Arruda, Gian Lucas M.; Vigerelli, Hugo

Biomed Res Int 2021 Mar;2021:8855248
Co-localization of crotamine with internal membranes and accentuated accumulation in tumor cells [2018]
Mambelli, Nicole Caroline

Molecules 2018 Apr;23(4):968
Comparative analysis of the effects of ozone and ultrasound on Streptococcus mutans [2020]
Fonseca, Pâmela Maria Moreira; Palacios, Debora Alicia Buendía; Sá Júnior, Paulo Luiz de
Ozone Sci Eng 2020 Aug;43(3):263-275
Comparing morphological and secretory aspects of cephalic glands among the New World coral snakes brings novel insights on their biological roles [2023]
Oliveira, Leonardo

Comprehensive analysis of peptides and low molecular weight components of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps venom [2020]
Rádis-Baptista, Gandhi; Dodou, Hilania V; Prieto da Silva, Álvaro Rossan de Brandão

Biol Chem 2020;401(8):945-954
Convergence of virulence and resistance in international clones of WHO critical priority enterobacterales isolated from Marine Bivalves [2022]
Bueris, Vanessa

Sci Rep 2022 Apr;12:5707
Crotamine cell-penetrating nanocarriers: cancer-targeting and potential biotechnological and/or medical applications [2020]
Hayashi, Mirian Akemi Furuie; Campeiro, Joana Darc; Porta, Lucas Carvalho; Szychowski, Brian; Alves, Wendel Andrade; Oliveira, Eduardo Brandt de; Kerkis, Irina; Daniel, Marie-Christine; Karpel, Richard L.Book chapter 2020 Mar; 2118:29
Desenvolvimento de vacinas profiláticas e terapêuticas para HPV [2022]
Cianciarullo, Aurora Marques
