Lab. Imunopatologia
Research Outputs
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Results 41-60 of 106
Expression of an scFv antibody fragment in Nicotiana benthamiana and in vitro assessment of its neutralizing potential against the snake venom metalloproteinase BaP1 from Bothrops asper [2019]
Gomes, Marinna; Alvarez, Maria Alejandra; Quellis, Leonardo Ramos; Becher, Melina Laguia; Castro, Juciane Maria de Andrade; Gameiro, Jacy; Caporrino, Maria Cristina

Toxicon 2019 Mar;160:38-46
Extracellular vesicles isolated from mesenchymal stromal cells modulate CD4+ T lymphocytes toward a regulatory profile [2020]
Cunha, Flavia Franco da; Andrade-Oliveira, Vinicius; Almeida, Danilo Candido de; Silva, Tamiris Borges da; Breda, Cristiane Naffah de Souza; Cruz, Mario Costa; Faquim Mauro, Eliana Lima
Cells 2020 Apr;9(4):1059
Functional variability of Bothrops atrox venoms from three distinct areas across the Brazilian Amazon and consequences for human envenomings [2019]
Del Rei, Tiago Henrique Moretto

Toxicon 2019 Jun;164:61-70
Global expression of noncoding RNome reveals dysregulation of small RNAs in patients with HTLV-1–associated adult T-cell leukemia: a pilot study [2021]
Nascimento, Andrezza; Souza, Daniela Raguer Valadão de; Pessôa, Rodrigo; Pietrobon, Anna Julia; Nukui, Youko; Pereira, Juliana; Casseb, Jorge; Oliveira, Augusto César Penalva de; Loureiro, Paula; Duarte, Alberto José da Silva; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Infect Agent Cancer 2021 Jan;16:4
Human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (hBMP-2) characterization by physical–chemical, immunological and biological assays [2020]
Suzuki, Miriam Fussae; Oliveira, João Ezequiel; Damiani, Renata; Lima, Eliana Rosa; Amaral, Kleicy Cavalcante; Santos, Anderson Maikon de Souza; Magalhães, Geraldo Santana
AMB Express 2020 Feb;10:34
Identification of miRnas with possible prognostic roles for HAM/TSP [2023]
de Souza, Daniela Raguer Valadão; Pessôa, Rodrigo; Nukui, Youko; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Virulence 2023 Jul; 14(1):2230015
Independent recruitment of different types of Phospholipases A2 to the venoms of Caenophidian snakes: the rise of PLA2-IIE within Pseudoboini (Dipsadidae) [2023]
Bayona-Serrano, Juan David; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi

Mol Biol Evol 2023 Jul; 40(7):msad147
Independent Recruitment of Different Types of Phospholipases A2 to the Venoms of Caenophidian Snakes: The Rise of PLA2-IIE within Pseudoboini (Dipsadidae) [2023]
Bayona-Serrano, Juan David; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi

Mol Biol Evol 2023 Jul; 40(7):msad147
Individual variability in bothrops atrox snakes collected from different habitats in the Brazilian Amazon: new findings on venom composition and functionality [2021]
Sousa, Leijiane Figueira de

Toxins 2021 Nov;13(11):814
Inflammation, angiogenesis and fibrogenesis are differentially modulated by distinct domains of the snake venom metalloproteinase jararhagin [2018]
Ferreira, Bruno Antônio; Deconte, Simone Ramos; De Moura, Francyelle Borges Rosa; Tomiosso, Tatiana Carla; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Int J Biol Macromol 2018 Nov;119:1179-87
Inflammatory effect of Bothropstoxin-I from the Bothrops jararacussu venom mediated by NLRP3 inflammasome involves ATP and P2X7 receptor [2021]
Silva, Priscila Andrade Ranéia e

Clin Sci (Lond) 2021 Fev;135(5):687-701
Inflammatory reaction induced by two metalloproteinases isolated from bothrops atrox venom and by fragments generated from the hydrolysis of basement membrane components [2020]
Almeida, Michelle Teixeira de

Toxins 2020 Feb;12(2):96
Influence of different processing techniques on the toxicity and biochemical characteristics of Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom [2018]
Dorce, Valquiria Abrão Coronado

Toxicon 2018;156:41-7
Influence of the expression vector and its elements on recombinant human prolactin synthesis in Escherichia coli; co-directional orientation of replication and transcription is highly critical [2021]
Affonso, Regina; Suzuki, Miriam Fussae; Magalhães, Geraldo Santana
J Microbiol Methods 2021 Dec; 191:106340
Involvement of von Willebrand factor and botrocetin in the thrombocytopenia induced by Bothrops jararaca snake venom [2021]
Thomazini, Camila Martos; Sachetto, Ana Teresa Azevedo; Albuquerque, Cynthia Zaccanini de

PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 Sept;15(9):e0009715
Jararhagin, a snake venom metalloproteinase, induces mechanical hyperalgesia in mice with the neuroinflammatory contribution of spinal cord microglia and astrocytes [2021]
Ferraz, Camila R.; Carvalho, Thacyana T.; Fattori, Victor; Saraiva-Santos, Telma; Pinho-Ribeiro, Felipe A.; Borghi, Sergio M.; Manchope, Marília F.; Zaninelli, Tiago H.; Cunha, Thiago M.; Casagrande, Rubia; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Int J Biol Macromol 2021 May:179:610-619
Jararhagin-C, a disintegrin-like protein, improves wound healing in mice through stimulation of M2-like macrophage, angiogenesis and collagen deposition [2021]
Ferreira, Bruno Antonio; Moura, Francyelle Borges Rosa De; Tomiosso, Tatiana Carla; Corrêa, Natássia Caroline Resende; Goulart, Luiz Ricardo; Barcelos, Lucíola Silva; Clissa, Patricia Bianca
Int Immunopharmacol 2021 Dec:101:108224
Leukocyte recruitment induced by snake venom metalloproteinases: role of the catalytic domain [2020]
Zychar, Bianca Cestari

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2020 Jan;521(2):402-407
Lower levels of CXCL-8 and IL-2 on admission as predictors of early adverse reactions to Bothrops antivenom in the Brazilian Amazon [2022]
Soares, Frandison G. S.; Ibiapina, Hiochelson N.; Sartim, Marco A.; Fan, Hui Wen

Cytokine 2022 Apr;152:155825
O misterioso perfil tóxico da tribo Philodryadini: Técnicas ‘ômicas’ revelam variabilidade nos venenos destas serpentes [2023]
Tioyama, Emilly Campos

Master thesis