Chick embryo model for homing and host interactions of tissue engineering-purposed human dental stem cells

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Human dental stem cells (hDSC) have a potential for regenerative therapies and could differentiate in vitro into many tissues, such as dentin, nerve, and vascular endothelium. Gallus gallus domesticus developing fertilized egg or chick embryo is an experimental model absent of xenografts rejection, largely employed in replacement of mammal species in scientific research and preclinical studies to evaluate angiogenesis and vasculogenesis, tissue differentiation, and embryonic development. This multiscale research deals with the homing and cell signaling effects of a standardized hDSC toward the receptor tissues of G. gallus domesticus in ovo. The hDSC were obtained from the explantation from third molars, characterized by cell cytometry, and employed without any further purification procedure. Four experimental groups were studied, according to the kind of cell tracing strategy, named: Control, mCherry-labeled hDSC, QTracker-labeled hDSC, and QTracker-exposed controls. The eggs were kept in an incubator temperature of 37.6 degrees C and humidity 86%, and the embryos were euthanized after 10 days of incubation. In vivo fluorescence and histological analysis were conducted. The fluorescence of the embryos inoculated with mCherry hDSC or the QTracker hDSC was associated with the bones and the beak tooth, and labeled cell islands could be localized in part of the samples. The inoculation of the QTracker probe resulted in proliferating bone tissue labeling. The hDSC inoculated groups presented cartilage plate hypertrophy and atypical morphology, meanwhile Control eggs were negative. The results demonstrated that hDSC can migrate to the cartilaginous tissues of the chick embryos, survive in this environment, implant, and interfere with the growth of developing bone.
Santos JA, Duailibi MT, Maria DA, Will SEAL, Simoes Silva PC, Gomes LF, et al. Chick embryo model for homing and host interactions of tissue engineering-purposed human dental stem cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 2018 Jun;24(11-12):882-8. doi:10.1089/ten.tea.2017.0387.
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