Reproductive cycles of neotropical boid snakes evaluated by ultrasound

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Snakes have increasingly been bred as pets around the world. Few studies have addressed the reproduction of boid snakes, and no study has addressed their reproductive cycles in captivity. Thus, this paper describes the reproductive aspects of Brazilian boids in captivity. We used ultrasonography to characterize the reproductive cycle of four boid species in captivity in the Southern Hemisphere: the anaconda (Eunectes murinus), the red-tailed boa (Boa constrictor constrictor), the Amazon tree boa (Corallus hortulanus), and the rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria). Nonvitellogenic follicles occurred from January to December in anaconda and red-tailed boa and for a shorter period from September to February in Amazon tree boa and from January to May in rainbow boa. Vitellogenesis occurred from late June to late March in E. murinus in year-round (12 months), from March to March in Amazon tree boa, from late September to late March in red-tailed boa, and from late March to late September in rainbow boa. Mating occurred from late March to late September in red-tailed boa and rainbow boa and from late September to late March in Amazon tree boa. No mating was observed in anacondas, but a female probably underwent parthenogenesis. Births occurred in July in anaconda and in March to July in Amazon tree boa and from December to March in red-tailed boa and rainbow boa. In males, increases in testicular size were associated with the mating season. Ultrasonography proved to be a safe and noninvasive technique to study the reproductive cycle of giant snakes in captivity.
Garcia VC, Almeida-Santos SM. Reproductive cycles of neotropical boid snakes evaluated by ultrasound. Zoo Biol.. 2022 Jan;41(1):74-83. doi:10.1002/zoo.21646.
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