Lab. Ecologia e Evolução
Research Outputs
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Results 101-120 of 139
Reproductive biology of the fossorial snake apostolepis gaboi (Elapomorphini): a threatened and poorly known species from the caatinga region [2019]
Braz, Henrique Bartolomeu Pereira

South Am J Herpetol 2019 Apr;14(1):37-47
Reproductive biology of the sword snake tomodon dorsatus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in south Brazil: comparisons within the tribe Tachymenini [2020]
Luiza Loebens; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
Amphib Reptil 2020 May;41:1-15
Reproductive biology, sperm storage, and sexual maturity of Thamnodynastes strigatus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) [2022]
Loebens, Luiza; Theis, Tiago F.; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
An Acad Bras Cienc 2022 June;94(2):e20211087
Reproductive cycle and sperm storage of female coral snakes, Micrurus corallinus and Micrurus frontalis [2020]
Bassi, Erick Augusto

Amphib Reptil 2020 Jan;41(1):13-27
Reproductive cycles of neotropical boid snakes evaluated by ultrasound [2022]
Garcia, Viviane Campos

Zoo Biol 2022 Jan;41(1):74-83
Reproductive cycles of two island pitvipers species (Serpentes, Viperidae) determined by ultrasonography and radiography [2024]
Garcia, Viviane Campos

Anat Histol Embryol 2024 May; 53(3)
Reproductive ecology of the Amaral's blind snake trilepida koppesi in an area of Cerrado in south-eastern Brazil [2022]
Khouri, Rebeca Stella; Fiorillo, Bruno Ferreto; Braz, Henrique Bartolomeu Pereira

The Herpetological Bulletin 2022 Apr; 32(2):70-79
Reproductive maturity and sexual dimorphism of a population of Amerotyphlops brongersmianus from a Restinga area in southeastern Brazil (Serpentes: Typhlopidae) [2023]
Khouri, Rebeca Stella; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
Anat Rec 2023 Mar; 306(10):2610-2620
A review of Euryoryzomys legatus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae): morphological redescription, cytogenetics, and molecular phylogeny [2020]
Guilardi, Mariana Dias

PeerJ 2020 Oct;8:e9884
Revision and cladistic analysis of Psalistops Simon, 1889, Trichopelma Simon, 1888 and Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895 (Araneae: Theraphosidae) based on a cladistic analysis of relationships of Theraphosidae, Barychelidae and Paratropididae [2020]
Mori, Andre; Bertani, Rogério
Zootaxa 2020 Nov;4873(1):1-132
Scorpionism in Brazil: exponential growth of accidents and deaths from scorpion stings [2019]
Torrez, Pasesa Pascuala Quispe; Dourado, Flávio Santos; Bertani, Rogério
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2019 May;52:e20180350
Searching for the toxic potential of Loxosceles amazonica and Loxosceles willianilsoni spiders’ venoms [2021]
Lopes, Priscila Hess

Toxicon 2020 Feb;191:1-8
Seasonal activity of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes, Viperidae): optimizing foraging while avoiding predators [2021]
Siqueira, Lucas Henrique Carvalho

South Am J Herpetol 2021 June;20(1):67-74
Semen collection and evaluation in micrurus corallinus [2020]
Coeti, Rafaela Zani

Herpetol Conserv Biol 2021 Jan;15(3):620-625
Serpente como presa de serpentes: revisão do hábito ofiófago [2020]
Medeiros, Juliana da Silva

Academic monograph
Short-term cold storage of seminal samples of the golden lancehead pitviper (Bothrops insularis) [2021]
Silva, Kalena Barros da

Zoo Biol 2021 Feb;40(3):256-260
Species limits and recent diversification of Cerradomys (Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini) during the Pleistocene [2022]
Di-Nizo, Camilla Bruno; Suárez-Villota, Elkin Y.; Silva, Maria José De Jesus
PeerJ 2022 Apr;10:e13011
Sperm storage in coral snakes: a spermatozoa ultrastructural approach (Serpentes: Elapidae) [2021]
Coeti, Rafaela Zani; Antoniazzi, Marta Maria

Zool Anz 2021 Jan;290:49-57
Sperm storage in Crotalus durissus (Serpentes: Crotalinae): histological insights about the female reproductive tract of pit vipers [2023]
Jurkfitz, Rafaella Capeletto

Zoomorphology 2023 Jun; 142:487-496
Sphingomyelinase D activity in Sicarius Tropicus Venom: toxic potential and clues to the evolution of SMases D in the Sicariidae family [2021]
Lopes, Priscila Hess

Toxins 2021 Apr;13(4):256