Lab. Ecologia e Evolução
Research Outputs
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Unit from Butantan authors
Institution from external authors
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Resultados encontrados
Results 61-80 of 139
A histological and ultrastructural investigation of the female reproductive system of the water snake (Erythrolamprus miliaris): oviductal cycle and sperm storage [2019]
Rojas, Claudio Augusto

Acta Zool 2019 Jan;100(1):69-80
Historical analysis of leishmaniasis cases in the transamazonian region: from 2009 to 2019 [2021]
Coelho, Alexandre Apolo Silva; Loureiro, Evellyn Vitória Sousa de; Silva, Andrey Caique Jorge da; Nascimento, Roberto Manoel do

REAS 2021 Nov;13(11):e9163
How does oocyte uptake occur? A macroscopic study of the ovarian and oviductal modifications for egg capture in the coral-snake Micrurus corallinus [2018]
Bassi, Erick Augusto

Anat Rec 2018 Nov;301(11):1936-43
Identification of microchips through diagnostic imaging helps to determine the longevity of the golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis) in captivity [2020]
Garcia, Viviane Campos

Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec 2020 Apr;72(1):281-284
Ilha das Cobras: a perspectiva da mídia digital acerca de aspectos biológicos e ecológicos da jararaca-ilhoa (Bothrops insularis) [2023]
Borges, Wilian Barbosa

Academic monograph
A ilha das cobras: biologia, evolução e conservação da jararaca-ilhoa na Queimada Grande [2021]
Marques, Otavio Augusto Vuolo
Inauguração da Casa de Afrânio do Amaral: homenagem em comemoração aos 117 anos do Instituto Butantan [2020]
Calleffo, Myriam Elizabeth Velloso

Cad Hist Ciênc 2018/2020;14(1)
Infundibular sperm storage and uterine muscular twisting in the Amazonian lancehead, bothrops atrox [2019]
Silva, Karina Maria Pereira da

Anat Rec 2019 Oct;1-10
Intense male-male ritual combat In the Micrurus ibiboboca complex (Elapidae) from Northeastern South America [2022]
Missassim, Alexandre; Coeti, Rafaela Zani

Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2022 Apr; 17(1):204–216
Male genital system of Ameiva ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) [2024]
Maciel, Érica da Silva; Zieri, Rodrigo; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
Anat Rec 2024 Apr; 307(11):3596-3605
Male reproductive cycle of Bothrops pubescens (Serpentes, Viperidae) from southern Brazil [2022]
Barros, Verônica Alberto

South Am J Herpetol 2022 Aug; 24(1):1-10
Male-male fighting, dominance, and mating in Epicrates assisi (Serpentes: Boidae) in captivity [2019]
Guedes, Thaís; Guedes, Abimael; Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
Phyllomedusa 2019 Jun;18(1):131-135
Manejo alimentar de Crotalus durissus em cativeiro [2022]
Batista, Bruno Martins da Costa

Academic monograph
Marcadores genéticos e sua contribuição para a caracterização das espécies e reconstrução da história evolutiva do gênero Euryoryzomys (Rodentia: sigmodontinae) [2019]
Guilardi, Mariana Dias

Academic monograph
Mating behaviour of the lizard Ameiva ameiva in Brazil [2021]
Ramalho, Renan Augusto; Lobo, Luis Miguel

Herpetol Bull 2021 May;158:1-5
Mating in free-ranging Neotropical rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus: is it risky for males? [2021]
Almeida-Santos, Selma Maria
Herpetol Notes 2021 Feb;14:225-227
Mating up in the trees: a new reproductive behaviour in Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae) [2021]
Batista, Bruno Martins da Costa

Herpetol Notes 2021 Sept;14:1199-1202
Mimetismo entre serpentes e invertebrados: convergência ou coincidência? Uma revisão de literatura [2023]
Rodriguez, Diego Lorenzetto Peña

Academic monograph
Molecular Phylogeny of Cryptonanus (Didelphidae: Thylamyini): evidence for a recent and complex diversification in South American open biomes. [2021]
Fegies, Ana Cláudia; Carmignotto, Ana Paula; Perez, Manolo Fernandez; Guilardi, Mariana Dias
Mol Phylogenet Evol 2021 May;162:107213
Morphological and structural differences between the hemipenes and hemiclitores of golden lancehead snakes, Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1922), revealed by radiography [2022]
Garcia, Viviane Campos

Anat Histol Embryol 2022 Jun; 51:557-560