(LDI) Lab. Desenvolvimento e Inovação Industrial
Research Outputs
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Results 81-100 of 126
New insights into immunopathology associated to Bothrops lanceolatus snake envenomation: focus on PLA2 toxin [2023]
Gabrili, Joel J. M.; Pidde-Queiroz, Giselle

Int J Mol Sci 2023 Jun; 24(12):9931
New therapeutic target for pediatric anaplastic ependymoma control: study of anti-tumor activity by a Kunitz-type molecule, Amblyomin-X [2019]
Pavon, Lorena Favaro; Capper, David; Sibov, Tatiana Tais; Toledo, Silvia Regina Caminada de; Thomal, Ulrich-W; Souza, Jean Gabriel de

Sci Rep 2019 Jul;9:9973
Novel cysteine protease inhibitor derived from the Haementeria vizottoi leech: recombinant expression, purification, and characterization [2021]
Linhares, Débora do Carmo; Faria, Fernanda

Toxins 2021 Dec;13(12):857
A novel insight on SARS-CoV-2 S-derived fragments in the control of the host immunity [2023]
Bastos, Thais Sibioni Berti; de Paula, André Guilherme Portela; Luz, Rebeca Bosso dos Santos; Eto, Silas Fernandes

Sci Rep 2023 May; 13:8060
Orange-Emitting ZnSe: Mn2+ quantum dots as nanoprobes for macrophages [2020]
Khan, Zahid U.; Uchiyama, Mayara K.; Khan, Latif U.; Ramos-Sanchez, Eduardo M.; Reis, Luiza Campos; Nakamura, Marcelo; Goto, Hiro; Souza, Ana Olívia de
ACS Appl Nano Mater 2020 Sept;3(10):10399-10410
Overview of bioactive fungal secondary metabolites: cytotoxic and antimicrobial compounds [2022]
Conrado, Rafael

Antibiotics 2022 Nov; 11(11):1604
Overview of nanomaterials and cellular interactions [2023]
Souza, Ana Olívia de
Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2022 Oct; 13(4):367
Pathophysiology of COVID-19: critical role of hemostasis [2022]
Chudzinski, Sonia Aparecida de Andrade

Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2022 June;12:896972
Photobiomodulation reduces the cytokine storm syndrome associated with COVID-19 in the zebrafish model [2023]
Rosa, Ivana F.; Peçanha, Ana P. B.; Carvalho, Tábata R. B.; Eto, Silas Fernandes
Int J Mol Sci 2023 Mar; 24(7):6104
Plasma proteome responses in zebrafish following λ-carrageenan-Induced inflammation are mediated by PMN leukocytes and correlate highly with their human counterparts [2022]
Charlie-Silva, Ives; Feitosa, Natália M.; Pontes, Leticia G.; Eto, Silas Fernandes

Front Immunol 2022 Sep; 13:1019201
Potêncial antiproliferativo de monofosfoesteres lipídico em células de Glioblastoma humano [2020]
Cabral, Laertty Garcia de Sousa

Book chapter
Processo de obtenção da proteína recombinante e uso da esculptina ou proteína recombinante para preparar um medicamento ou composição farmacêutica para profilaxia e/ou tratamento de doenças tromboembólicas ou como inibidor direto e específico da trombina [2018]
Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana Marisa

Patent CHUDZINSKI-TAVASSI, Ana Marisa GOLDFEDER; Mauricio Barbugiani; IQBAL, Asif; Fundação Butanseus fragtan. Proteína recombinante e mentos, processo de obtenção da proteína recombinante, gene sintético e uso da esculptina ou proteína recombinante para preparar um medicamento ou composição farmacêutica para profilaxia e/ou tratamento de doenças tromboembólicas ou como inibidor direto e específico da trombina. Patente. BR. WO/2018/170568. 27.09.2018
Proinflammatory effects of photoactivated methylene blue on rat model of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma [2019]
Petrellis, Maria Carla; Frigo, L.; Ribeiro, W.; Leal-Junior, E. C. P.; Oliveira, F. R.; Maria, Durvanei Augusto
Exp Oncol 2019 Jun;41(2):112-122
Proliferation and invasion of melanoma are suppressed by a plant protease inhibitor, leading to downregulation of survival/death-related proteins [2022]
Bonturi, Camila Ramalho; Salu, Bruno Ramos; Bonazza, Camila Nimri; Sinigaglia, Rita de Cassia; Rodrigues, Tiago; Flores, Miryam Paola Alvarez

Molecules 2022 May; 27(9):2956
Proteomic informed by transcriptomic for salivary glands components of the camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii [2019]
Bensaoud, Chaima; Aounallah, Hajer; Sciani, Juliana Mozer

BMC Genomics 2019 Aug;20:675
Pycard and BC017158 candidate genes of irm1 locus modulate inflammasome activation for IL-1β production [2022]
Borrego, Andrea

Front Immunol 2022 June;13:899569
Quantitative evaluation of collagen and elastic fibers after intense pulsed light treatment of mouse skin [2018]
Faucz, Luciana Rodrigues Lisboa

Lasers Surg Med 2018 Aug;50(6):644-50
rDromaserpin: a novel anti-hemostatic serpin, from the salivary glands of the hard tick Hyalomma dromedarii [2021]
Aounallah, Hajer

Toxins 2021 Dec;13(12):913
Recombinant BCG expressing the LTAK63 adjuvant improves a short-term chemotherapy schedule in the control of tuberculosis in mice [2022]
Trentini, Monalisa Martins

Front Immunol 2022 Aug; 13:943558
Role of immune system in kidney cancer [2018]
Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana Marisa

Book chapter