(CAPES) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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Results 341-360 of 823
Ground spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) associated with urban forest fragments in southern Amazon [2020]
Santos, Genefer E. R. dos; Solera, Kleber; Costa, Cristiano A. da; Marques, Marinêz I.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos
Biota Neotrop 2020 Dec;20(4):e20201062
Heat-killed Malassezia pachydermatis suspension modulates the activity of macrophages challenged with Encephalitozoon cuniculi [2022]
Codeceira, Jessica Feliciana; Alvares-Saraiva, Anuska Marcelino; Hurtado, Elizabeth Cristina Perez; Spadacci-Morena, Diva Denelle
Med Mycol 2022 Out; 33(2022):101338
Heat-Labile toxin from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli causes systemic impairment in Zebrafish model [2021]
Henrique, Camila

Toxins 2021 June;13(6):419
Heterologous booster with BNT162b2 induced high specific antibody levels in CoronaVac vaccinees [2023]
Letícia Carrijo Masson; Carolina do Prado Servian; Vitor Hugo Jardim; Carvalho, João Victor Batalha

Vaccines 2023 Jun; 11(7):1183
High genetic diversity of alphacoronaviruses in bat species (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the Atlantic Forest in Brazil [2022]
Bueno, Larissa Mayumi; Rizotto, Laís Santos; Viana, Amanda De Oliveira; Leitão, Gabriel Lins

Transbound Emerg Dis 2022 Jun; 69:e2863-e2875
High levels of NRF2 sensitize temozolomide-resistant glioblastoma cells to ferroptosis via ABCC1/MRP1 upregulation [2022]
Souza, I. de; Monteiro, L. K. S.; Guedes, C. B.; Gomes, Luciana Rodrigues
Cell Death Dis 2022 July;13:591
High stabilization and hyperactivation of a recombinant β-Xylosidase through immobilization strategies [2021]
Corradini, Felipe A.S.; Milessi, Thais S.; Gonçalves, Viviane Maimoni
Enzyme Microb Technol 2021 Apr;145:109725
High-quality draft genome sequence of pantanalinema sp. GBBB05, a cyanobacterium from cerrado biome [2021]
Ferreira, Lucas Salomão de Sousa; Butarelli, Ana Carolina de Araújo; Sousa, Raissa da Costa; Oliveira, Mariene Amorim de; Moraes, Pablo Henrique Gonçalves; Ribeiro, Igor Santana; Sousa, Pedro Felipe Rodrigues; Dall'Agnol, Hivana Melo Barbosa; Lima, Alex Ranieri Jerônimo; Gonçalves, Evonnildo Costa; Sivonen, Kaarina; Fewer, David; Riyuzo, Raquel; Piroupo, Carlos Morais; Silva, Aline Maria da; Setubal, João Carlos; Dall'Agnol, Leonardo TeixeiraFront Ecol Evol 2021 June;9:639852
High-quality draft genome sequence resources of eight Xylella fastidiosa strains isolated from citrus, coffee, plum and hibiscus in South America. [2020]
Pierry, Paulo Marques; Santana, Wesley Oliveira de; Kitajima, João Paulo; Martins Junior, Joaquim

Phytopathology 2020 jun;110(10):1751-1755
Higher-level phylogenetic affinities of the Neotropical genus Mastigodryas Amaral, 1934 (Serpentes: Colubridae), species-group definition and description of a new genus for Mastigodryas bifossatus [2019]
Montingelli, Giovanna G.; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi
J Zool Syst Evol Res 2019 May;57(2):205-239
Highly conserved and extremely variable: the paradoxical pattern of toxin expression revealed by comparative venom-gland transcriptomics of Phalotris (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) [2024]
Entiauspe-Neto, Omar M.; Nachtigall, Pedro Gabriel

Toxicon 2024 Jun; 244;107740
Highly selective alkylcoumarates and diterpenoids isolated from leaves of Baccharis quitensis: a search for new hit compounds against Trypanosoma cruzi [2024]
Peres, Nathalia; Silva, Matheus L.; Ueno, Anderson K.; Antar, Guilherme M.; Levatti, Erica V. C.; Cardoso, Andre Gustavo Tempone
Nat Prod Res 2024; in press
Hoffmanopeltis (Diplopoda: Polydesmida), a new genus of Chelodesmidae from the Cerrado-Atlantic forest ecotone, Southeastern Brazil, with a list of species in the state of Minas Gerais [2021]
Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos
Ann Zool Fennici 2021 June;58(1-3):115-126
Homologous prime-boost with Zika virus envelope protein and poly (I:C) induces robust specific humoral and cellular immune responses [2020]
Amaral, Marcelo Pires; Apostolico, Juliana de Souza; Tomita, Nádia; Coirada, Fernanda Caroline; Lunardelli, Victória Alves Santos; Fernandes, Edgar Ruz; Souza, Higo Fernando Santos; Astray, Renato Mancini
Vaccine 2020 Apr;38(20):3653-3664
How does oocyte uptake occur? A macroscopic study of the ovarian and oviductal modifications for egg capture in the coral-snake Micrurus corallinus [2018]
Bassi, Erick Augusto

Anat Rec 2018 Nov;301(11):1936-43
Human chondrocyte activation by toxins from premolis semirufa, an Amazon rainforest moth caterpillar: identifying an osteoarthritis signature [2020]
Villas-Boas, Isadora Maria

Front Immunol 2020;11:2191
Human microbiota modulation via QseC sensor kinase mediated in the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak strain infection in microbiome model [2021]
Ribeiro, Tamara Renata Machado; Salgaço, Mateus Kawata; Adorno, Maria Angela Tallarico; Silva, Míriam Aparecida da

BMC Microbiol 2021 June;21:163
Human recombinant Fab fragment neutralizes Shiga toxin type 2 cytotoxic effects in vitro and in vivo [2018]
Luz, Daniela

Toxins 2018 Dec;10(12):508
Human RNF113A participates of pre-mRNA splicing in vitro [2019]
Silva, Guilherme H. Gatti da; Jurica, Melissa S.; da Cunha, Julia Pinheiro Chagas
J Cell Biochem 2019 May;120(5):8764-8774
A human TRPV1 genetic variant within the channel gating domain regulates pain sensitivity in rodents [2022]
He, Shufang; Zambelli, Vanessa Olzon
J Clin Invest Dec 2022; 133(3):e163735