(CAPES) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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Results 101-120 of 823
Bitis arietans snake venom induces an inflammatory response which Is partially dependent on lipid mediators [2020]
Megale, Ângela Alice Amadeu

Toxins 2020 Sept;12(9):594
Blankaartia sinnamaryi (Trombidiformes: Trombiculidae) parasitizing birds in southeastern Brazil, with notes on Rickettsia detection [2018]
Bassini-Silva, Ricardo

Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2018 Sep;27(3):354-62
Bleeding disorders in bothrops atrox envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: participation of hemostatic factors and the impact of tissue factor [2020]
Oliveira, Sâmella S.; Alves, Eliane C.; Santos, Alessandra S.; Nascimento, Elizandra F.; Pereira, João Pedro T.; Silva, Iran M.; Sachett, Jacqueline A. G.; Sarraff, Lybia Kássia S.; Freitas-de-Sousa, Luciana Aparecida

Toxins 2020 Aug;12(9):554
BoagamaPLI: structural and functional characterization of the gamma phospholipase A2 plasma inhibitor from the non-venomous Brazilian snake Boa constrictor [2020]
Fabri, Caroline

PLoS One 2020 Feb;15(2):e0229657
BoaγPLI from Boa constrictor blood is a broad-spectrum inhibitor of venom PLA2 pathophysiological actions [2021]
Fabri, Caroline

J Chem Ecol 2021 Nov;47:907–914
Bothrops atrox, the most important snake involved in human envenomings in the amazon: how venomics contributes to the knowledge of snake biology and clinical toxinology [2020]
Monteiro, Wuelton Marcelo; Contreras-Bernal, Jorge Carlos; Ferreira Bisneto, Pedro; Sachett, Jacqueline; Silva, Iran Mendonça da; Lacerda, Marcus; Costa, Allyson Guimarães da; Val, Fernando; Brasileiro, Lisele; Sartim, Marco Aurélio; Silva-de-Oliveira, Sâmella; Bernarde, Paulo Sérgio; Kaefer, Igor L.; Grazziotin, Felipe Gobbi

Toxicon X 2020 Jun;6:100037
Bothrops jararaca accessory venom gland is an ancillary source of toxins to the snake [2018]
Valente, Richard Hemmi; Luna, Milene Schmidt

J Proteomics 2018 Apr;177:137-47
Bothrops Jararaca snake venom modulates key cancer-related proteins in breast tumor cell lines [2021]
Kisaki, Carolina Yukiko; Arcos, Stephanie Santos Suehiro; Montoni, Fabio

Toxins 2021 July;13(8):519
Bothrops leucurus snake venom protein profile, isolation and biological characterization of its major toxin PLA2s-like [2022]
Dias, Êuder Reis; Oliveira, Laudicéia Alves de; Lauria, Pedro Santana Sales; Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho
Toxicon 2022 July;213:27-42
Bothrops moojeni snake venom induces an inflammatory response in preadipocytes: insights into a new aspect of envenomation [2022]
Marques, Rodrigo Maia

PLoS Negl Trop Dis
Bothrops moojeni venom and its components: an overview [2021]
D’Amélio, Fernanda

J Venom Res 2021 May;11:26-33
Bothrops snakebites in the Amazon: recovery from hemostatic disorders after Brazilian antivenom therapy [2020]
Oliveira, Sâmella Silva de

Clin Toxicol 2020 Jul;58(4):266-274
Bottom-up proteomic analysis of polypeptide venom components of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps [2019]
Mariano, Douglas Oscar Ceolin

Toxins 2019 Jul;11(8):448
Brain glucose hypometabolism and hippocampal inflammation in Goto-Kakizaki rats [2023]
Borges, J. C. O.; Oliveira, V. A. B.; Serdan, T. D. A.; Pereira, Joice Naiara Bertaglia

Braz J Med Biol Res 2023 May; 56:e12742
Brazil’s COVID-19 epicenter in Manaus: how much of the population has already been exposed and are vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2? [2021]
Ferrante, Lucas; Duczmal, Luiz Henrique; Steinmetz, Wilhelm Alexander; Almeida, Alexandre Celestino Leite; Leão, Jeremias; Vassão, Ruth Camargo
J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2021 Sep; 9:2098-2104
Calpeptin is a potent cathepsin inhibitor and drug candidate for SARS-CoV-2 infections [2023]
Reinke, Patrick Y. A.; de Souza, Edmarcia Elisa; Günther, Sebastian; Botosso, Viviane Fongaro

Commun Biol 2023, Oct; 6:1058
Capsaicin-like analogue induced selective apoptosis in A2058 melanoma cells: design, synthesis and molecular modeling [2019]
Pereira, Gustavo José Vasco; Tavares, Maurício Temotheo; Azevedo, Ricardo Alexandre de; Martins, Barbara Behr

Bioorg Med Chem 2019 Jul;27(13):2893-2904
Capture ELISA for KPC detection in gram-negative bacilli: development and standardisation [2023]
Valencio, André; Silva, Míriam Aparecida da

Microorganisms 2023 Apr; 11(4):1052
Caracterização bioquímica de uma serinoprotease com efeito ativador do plasminogênio do veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata [2022]
Santos, Gustavo Oliveira
Master thesis
Caracterização bioquímica e farmacológica de compostos analgésicos presentes na secreção das glândulas parotóides dos sapos Rhinella Icterica e Rhinella marina [2019]
Mendes, Vanessa Aparecida

Doctoral thesis