Lab. Parasitologia
Research Outputs
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Results 41-60 of 94
Inhibition of histone methyltransferase EZH2 in Schistosoma mansoni in vitro by GSK343 reduces egg laying and decreases the expression of genes implicated in DNA replication and noncoding RNA metabolism [2018]
Pereira, Adriana da Silva Andrade

Plos Neglect Trop Dis 2018;12(10):e0006873
Interferência da azida de sódio no desenvolvimento de Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda: Caenorhabditis) [2024]
Pascuti, Lais Cristina Gomes

Academic monograph
Ledi-Geraru strikes again: morphological affinities of the LD 350-1 mandible with early Homo [2023]
Neves, Walter; Senger, Maria H.; Rocha, Gabriel; Suesdek, Lincoln
An Acad Bras Cienc 2023 Jul; 35(1):e20230032
Levantamento parasitológico realizado em munícipes do interior do estado de São Paulo (Brasil) entre os anos de 1957 a 1986 [2020]
Simons, S. M.; Silveira, W. J.; Loibel, S. M.; Nascimento, Jr. O. S.; Anjos, V. C.; Felther, E. C.; Souto, R. C.; Pantoja, A.; Santana, L. O.; Mendonça, Ronaldo Zucatelli
LAES, HAES 2020 Jan;
Linking SOX3, SRY, and disorders of neurodevelopment [2021]
Tahira, Ana Carolina
Book chapter 2021 Jun;143-156
Long non-coding RNA levels can be modulated by 5-azacytidine in Schistosoma mansoni [2020]
Amaral, Murilo Sena

Sci Rep 2020 Dec;10:21565
Long non-coding RNAs are essential for Schistosoma mansoni pairing-dependent adult worm homeostasis and fertility [2023]
Silveira, Gilbert de Oliveira; Coelho, Helena dos Santos

PLoS Pathog 2023 May; 19(5):e1011369
Long non-coding RNAs as possible therapeutic targets in protozoa, and in Schistosoma and other helminths [2021]
Silveira, Gilbert de Oliveira; Coelho, Helena dos Santos

Parasitol Res 2021 Dec; 121:1091-1115
Metacyclogenesis defects and gene expression hallmarks of histone deacetylase 4-deficient Trypanosoma cruzi cells [2021]
Picchi-Constante, Gisele Fernanda Assine; Guerra-Slompo, Eloise Pavão; Tahira, Ana Carolina

Sci Rep 2021 Nov;11:21671
Microevolution of medically important mosquitoes: a review [2019]
Suesdek, Lincoln
Acta Trop 2019 Mar;191:162-171
Microorganism-based larval diets affect mosquito development, size and nutritional reserves in the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) [2019]
Souza, Raquel Santos; Virginio, Flávia

Front Physiol 2019 Apr;10,152
Modulação do líquido coxal do carrapato Ornithodoros brasiliensis (Acari: Argasidae) sobre alguns microrganismos [2023]
Pissolato, Jessica de Azevedo

Academic monograph
Molecular characterization of hepatitis C virus in end-stage renal disease patients under hemodialysis [2018]
Silva, Rafael Alves da

J Med Virol 2018 Mar;90(3):537-44
Morphodifferentiation of Gene's organ in engorged Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888 female ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) [2018]
Santos, Marcelo Francisco dos

Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2018 Mar;9(3): 519-25
A multi-gene analysis and potential spatial distribution of species of the Strodei subgroup of the genus Nyssorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) [2018]
Greni, Susan; Demari-Silva, Bruna; Oliveira, Tatiane Marques Porangaba de; Suesdek, Lincoln
J Med Entomol 2018 Oct;55(6):1486-95
Multielemental analyses of Lonomia obliqua (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) caterpillar using EDXRF and INAA techniques [2019]
Zamboni, C.B.; Giovanni, D.N.S.; Salvador, V.L.R.; Sato, I.M.; Mendonça, Ronaldo Zucatelli

Xray Spectrom 2019 Jul;48:465-475
Multiple adverse effects of textile effluents and reactive Red 239 dye to aquatic organisms [2021]
Garcia, Vanessa Silva Granadeiro; Tallarico, Lenita de Freitas

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2021 Nov;28:63202–63214
Nuclear export of replication protein A in the non-replicative infective forms of Trypanosoma cruzi [2020]
Pavani, Raphael Souza

FEBS Lett 2020 Feb
Obtenção de monoterpenos halogenados com atividade cercaricida a partir do extrato da alga marinha Ochtodes secundiramea (Rhodophyta). [2020]
Tessaro, Juliana dos Santos

Academic monograph
Ornithodoros cerradoensis n. sp. (Acari: Argasidae), a member of the Ornithodoros talaje (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) group, parasite of rodents in the Brazilian Savannah [2020]
Muñoz-Leal, Sebastián; Martins, Maria M.; Nava, Santiago; Landulfo, Gabriel Alves

Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2020 Sep;11(5):101497